  • 學位論文


The Effect of Integrating the Digital Simulation Game into Cooperative Learning on Achievement and Motivation of Junior High School Students’ Rhythm Learning

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究旨在探討數位模擬遊戲融入合作學習應用於國中音樂課節奏教學,對提升節奏學習成效與音樂學習動機之研究。研究對象為新竹縣某國中七年級3個班級共92人,每週進行一節課45分鐘教學活動,總計為期6週之實驗教學研究。本研究採準實驗研究設計,自變項為不同教學模式,分為實驗組一進行數位模擬遊戲融入合作學習小組遊戲競賽教學法(TGT)之節奏教學課程;實驗組二進行數位模擬遊戲融入節奏教學課程;對照組使用一般拍手唱念節奏教學方法進行節奏教學。依變項為「節奏聽辨測驗」、「音樂科學習動機量表」,採取單因子共變數分析以及單因子變異數分析來檢視依變項是否達顯著差異。此外實驗結束後分別針對實驗組一與實驗組二學生進行抽樣訪談,以探討受訪者對數位模擬遊戲與合作學習融入節奏教學之想法,最後提出結論與建議。 研究結果如下: 一、在節奏教學成效方面,單因子共變數分析及成對比較結果為實驗組一顯著優於實驗組二與對照組(p<.05);實驗組二顯著優於對照組(p<.05),證實數位模擬遊戲與合作學習融入節奏教學,能提升國中生節奏學習成效。 二、在音樂科學習動機量表方面,單因子變異數分析及事後比較結果為實驗組一與實驗組二顯著優於對照組(p<.05),證實數位模擬遊戲與合作學習融入節奏教學,能提升國中生音樂學習動機。 三、訪談資料顯示受訪學生均肯定數位模擬遊戲與合作學習融入節奏教學能增進節奏能力並能將節奏能力應用於之後的音樂學習活動中。 本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以提供未來研究之參考。


This study is to integrate the digital simulation game into cooperative learning to help rhythm teaching in the music class of the junior high school. The propose is to find out if there is any enhancement of rhythm ability and learning motivation. This study is based on quasi-experimental study and the independent variables as teaching strategies. It includes three experimental groups as follows. Experimental group I: The rhythm teaching lessons designed by integrating digital simulation game into cooperative learning with TGT. Experimental group II: The rhythm teaching lessons designed by integrating digital simulation game. Control group: The rhythm teaching lessons designed by traditional sing-and-clap method. The dependent variables are “Rhythm listening test” and “Music Learning Motivation Scale”. It utlizes one way ANCOVA and ANOVA to view the differences of the depending variables among these three groups. The results of the study have been discussed by three different sections. First of all, the evaluation of rhythm teaching effectiveness, the result of one way ANCOVA is that Experimental group I is not only better than Control group(p<.05) but also Experiment grout II(p<.05). It proves that rhythm teaching by integrating the simulation game and cooperative learning can enhance the rhythm ability of the junior high school students. Second of all, the evaluation of Music Learning Motivation, the result of one way ANOVA is that Experimental group I and Experiment grout II are better than Control group(p<.05). It proves that rhythm teaching by integrating the simulation game and cooperative learning can improve the music learning motivation of the junior high school students.




謝明鳳(2015)。電子教科書融入合作學習對九年級學生 數學學習動機與學習成效之影響〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.00232
