  • 學位論文


The influence of China on the Buddha sculpture art in Japan

指導教授 : 馬銘浩


文化是人類的共同財富,文化交流是人類進步的動力,也是歷史發展的必然趨勢,它不受民族、地域等限制,以禮尚往來的方式,豐富文化內涵,表現文化價值,實現文化自身的轉變。中國與日本因為地理上鄰近的關係,自古便相互交流,兩國是一衣帶水的鄰邦,進行文化、宗教、商業貿易等活動,使日本形成了以漢文化為中心的新文化。 隋文帝開皇二十年(600),日本初派使者到中國留學,往後二百五十年間,透過來中國的使節、留學生、學問僧,隋唐兩代的文化大量傳入日本。其中最受重視的就是佛教,當時日本聖德太子派遣隋使吸收中華文化,藉由日本佛教提升日本的文化水準並且以國政改革為目的,此後佛教象徵著統治者的政治權力,另一方面也提升為日本的精神文化。 日本文化受到中國佛教、思想等高度的薰染,發展成自身獨特的文化。本論文舉出佛教信仰中視覺性的造型物─佛像,以日本飛鳥時代至天平時代間的佛教造像為例,與中國佛像對照,舉出中國自南北朝時代開始,經隋、唐兩代,以至各個時代的佛教造像,觀察其特色之處,依地域分別分析佛教造像素材、技術等其他因素,以多面向的角度去從事考察,討論中國與日本佛教造像藝術之關係。


China and Japan are both in the east of the Eurasia. Because of geographical proximity, the culture exchanges began since ancient times. Culture is the common wealth of mankind. Cultural exchange is not only the driving force of human progress, but an inevitable trend of historical development. It is not confine to ethnic, geographic and other restrictions. Culture exchanges in the reciprocal and cooperative ways. Japan is China's neighbors. There are many envoys, returned students between the regions. They give impetus to interflow in religion, commercial and trade activities. Japan has formed a new culture with Chinese culture as the center. Japan start to send envoys to China in Sui Dynasty Kai Huang Two decades (A.D 600). The next two hundred and fifty decades, the envoys, returned students and monks kept bringing back Chinese culture from Sui and Tang dynasty. The most important in these exchanges was Buddhist. Mikado Shotoku sent envoys to absorbing Chinese culture. By the Japanese Buddhist improved the standard of Japanese culture and reformed national policy for purpose. Since then the Buddhist symbol of the political power of the rulers. The other hand, Buddhist interfused into Japan's spiritual and cultural. The influenced of Chinese Buddhist and ideologies on Japanese culture were immeasurable. It developed into a unique culture. The paper cited the visual sculptures in the Buddhist faith-- Buddha sculptures. Compare Buddha sculptures In Japan which be made From the Asuka period to Tempyo period with Buddha sculptures In China that be made in Wei, Jin, Northern, Southern, Sui and Tang dynasty. Further, observe its characteristics, analyzing the source materials, technology and other factors. From different point of views to investigate The art of Buddha sculpture between China and Japan.


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