  • 學位論文


The Effects of Organization Structure, Self-disclosure and Impression Management on Communication Efficiency and Work Stress

指導教授 : 洪英正 張巧真


「溝通」不僅僅是表達意見、傳遞訊息的最直接方式,透過經由溝通所激發出來的創意,更可提升產品整體的附加價值,並拉開與對手間的差距以獲得競爭優勢。根據研究結果顯示,許多組織績效佳而且企業獲利穩定成長之企業都一致認為組織內部良好的溝通是影響企業獲利的重要因素之一,而溝通不良或因溝通陷入僵局產生的衝突,亦確實是造成員工工作壓力的來源。   本研究主題為探討組織結構、自我揭露及印象管理行為對溝通效能及工作壓力影響之研究,期透過本研究找出影響溝通效能與工作壓力之因素,以提供管理單位提升組織溝通效能及降低員工工作壓力之參考。本研究以目前在職之全職工作者為對象,利用便利取樣之問卷調查法,共計回收343份有效問卷,經過文獻探討與實證分析後,研究結果顯示如下: 1.組織結構、自我揭露程度、印象管理行為對溝通效能部分有顯著影響。 2.組織結構、自我揭露程度、印象管理行為對工作壓力部分有顯著影響。 3.組織結構、自我揭露程度、印象管理行為對工作壓力之影響不會因為溝通效能而不同。 4.溝通效能對工作壓力具有顯著影響。 5.部分人口統計變項會在組織結構、自我揭露程度、印象管理行為、溝通效能及工作壓力有顯著差異。


“Communication” is not only considered as the most direct way to express opinion and convey message, but with communication the creativity stimulated from it can, as well, enhance the added-value for the entire products, thus largely enlarge the competitive edge of one with the adversaries. As indicated from the research results, many organizations with outstanding performance and enterprises with excellent turnover of profit and stable growth have consistently believed that favorable communication within the organization internally is reckoned as the important factor that would affect profit-making of enterprises. As for conflict resulted from unfavorable communication or from stalemate as of poor communication, they have, indeed, become the sources of work stress upon the employees. The motif of this subject is to investigate the impact of organization structure, self-disclosure, and impression management upon communication efficiency and work stress, and it is hoped that with this study it can have discovered factors that affect communication efficiency and work stress so as to provide the management authority as reference to enhance communication efficiency and decrease the work stress of employees. This research adopts the convenient questionnaire survey and the samples are full-time workers currently with occupations, and totally 343 valid samples were received. After literature investigation and substantial analysis, the results of the research are found as follows: 1. Partial organization structure, self-disclosure, and impression management exert significant impact on communication efficiency. 2. Partial organization structure, self-disclosure, and impression management exert significant impact on work stress. 3. There are no significant differences of impact on work stress by organization structure, self-disclosure, and impression management with the mediator of communication efficiency. 4. Communication efficiency exerts significant impact on work stress. 5. There are significant differences on organization structure, self-disclosure, impression management, communication efficiency by part of different demographic variables.


何岫曄(2003)。員工對組織變革之認知對組織承諾與工作壓力影響性之研究 ─ 以台灣銀行業為例,大同大學事業經營研究所碩士論文。


