  • 學位論文


The Study of Conflict in Kosovo: Historical Background and International Significance

指導教授 : 馬良文


本論文以開拓性的嘗試,透過收集和比較不同有關科索沃衝突的證據來作評估。一方面,著重於科索沃的歷史(科索沃-梅托西亞的阿爾巴尼亞族,位於塞爾維亞境內),另一方面著重於國際關係上的衝突。筆者依賴於廣泛的不同參考文獻:外交和官方文件,各種文學著作、歷史研究、歷史地圖和國際法等。特別著重於阿爾巴尼亞族和塞爾維亞族之間的軍事對峙,導致了文化和政治上的分歧,以及20世紀的最後十年,俄羅斯在巴爾幹半島的政策。 筆者強調了世界主要強國在這地區的戰略行為及意義。蘇聯的解體和南斯拉夫的瓦解,提供了西方勢力進入至巴爾幹半島的契機。並大大加劇了科索沃衝突。本論文一部分致力於探究國際政治在東南歐擴張勢力的關係演變及其虛偽思想。 並且深入探討Malcolm Noel的著作「科索沃:簡史」(Kosovo:a short history)作評論,此本書具有許多爭議,筆者透過研究歷史證據和科索沃地圖,詳細地研究評析,得以結論為此這本書在許多方面並不符合歷史事實,失之偏頗。 同時,筆者研究了阿爾巴尼亞人和塞爾維亞人雙方的衝突立場。並且得以結果阿爾巴尼亞在衝突上真正的目標為追求獨立,並且其立場是受到西方出於戰略考量上的支持。 人們可以同意西方的論點,即科索沃的獨立為特例而並非先例,然而由於「科索沃案」的基本原則,本身早已斷然否決了國際法。而現在的問題在於:是否任何人都可以為此“缺乏先例”作以負責?


This study is a pioneering attempt to assess the conflict in Kosovo by gathering and comparing disparate evidences relating, on the one hand, to the history of Kosovo (Albanian in Kosovo-Metokhia, as it is rendered in Serbian) and the conflict’s international significance, on the other hand. The author relied on a wide range of different sources: diplomatic and official documents, various literary evidence, historical studies and historical maps, international law etc. A special attention is paid to the cultural and political differences between Albania and Serbia which led to the military standoff in Kosovo. The author underscores the strategic significance of this region for the major world powers. The disintegration of the USSR and Yugoslavia Federation made possible the penetration of the Western block into the Balkans. The conflict in Kosovo accelerated greatly the process. A large portion of this thesis is dedicated to the relations between the real impulses of the international politics in Southeastern Europe and their ideological guises. A wealth of material for the in-depth analysis of the situation is provided by the controversy initiated by Noel Malcolm’s book “Kosovo: a short history”. A detailed study of this polemics accompanied by the research of historical evidence and maps of Kosovo has led the author to the conclusion that this book is in many ways biased. Meanwhile the author investigated the positions of Albanian and Serbian sides in the conflict. This study revealed a discrepancy between Albanian proclaimed and real goals in the conflict while Albanian position was supported by the West out of strategic considerations. One can agree with the apparently absurd Western thesis that the Kosovo’s independence is no precedent because “the Kosovo case” flatly denies the basic principles of the international law. The question is: can anyone be responsible for the “absence of precedent”?


Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral of Declaration Independence in Respect of Kosovo (Advisory Opinion): the Courts Finds that the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo Adopted on 17 February 2008 did not Violate International law, International Court of Justice, Press Release, No. 2010/25(22 July 2010)
Kosovo Declaration of Independence
