  • 學位論文


Government Purchasers Perception Toward Job Activities And Job Stress: A Case of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃一峯
共同指導教授 : 李仲彬


本研究旨在探討:新北市政府採購人員業務認知與工作壓力的現況,及不同背景變項新北市政府採購人員業務認知與工作壓力的差異情形,及探討業務認知與工作壓力之關聯。 本研究是以新北市政府一級機關暨所屬機關、公所、學校之秘書處(室)與總務單位擔任採購人員為對象,以郵寄問卷方式進行調查。所得資料以SPSS套裝統計軟體進行描述統計分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析及典型相關等統計方式處理。歸納研究結果如下: 新北市政府採購人員對業務認知屬中等偏高程度。 1. 新北市政府採購人員對工作壓力屬中等偏高程度, 2. 「男性」採購人員,對「招標」與「整體業務認知」層面的瞭解程度較高。 3. 年齡層在「41-50歲」的採購人員,對「決標」層面的瞭解程度較高。 4. 教育程度為「研究所以上」的採購人員,對「招標」與「履約管理」 層面的瞭解程度較高。 5. 專業背景為「已取得採購專業人員基本資格(含)以上者」的採購人員,對「招標」、「決標」、「驗收」與「整體業務認知」層面的瞭解程度較高。 6. 性別為「男性」的採購人員,在「工作情境」方面的工作壓力感受程度較高。 7. 年齡為「31-40歲」的採購人員,在「專業知能不足」與「司法調查壓力」方面的工作壓力感受程度較高。 8. 教育程度為「高中職(含)以下」的採購人員,在「工作情境」方面的工作壓力感受程度較高。 9. 採購年資為「6年到8年」的採購人員,在「工作情境」方面的工作壓力感受程度較高。 10. 專業背景為「已取得採購專業人員基本資格(含)以上者」的採購人員, 在「工作負荷」方面的工作壓力感受程度較高。 11. 採購人員的業務認知與工作壓力感受程度有顯著負關係。 最後,根據研究結果與主要發現提出建議,以供主管機關、新北市政府各行政機關採購單位、採購人員及未來研究者之參考


This study aims to examine the current state of vocational awareness and work-related stress among government employees responsible for government purchasing operations in New Taipei City Government in Taiwan, including the disparities in vocational awareness and work-related stress between government purchasing personnel with different backgrounds, and seeks to explore the relationship between vocational awareness and work-related stress. The study involved the administration of a postal questionnaire to purchasing personnel working in secretariats or general affairs offices in Level One government agencies (and their subordinate offices), district offices and schools falling under New Taipei City Government (formerly Taipei County Government) in Taiwan. The data obtained through this questionnaire was then subjected to descriptive statistics analysis, t-test analysis, one-way analysis of variance and canonical correlation analysis. The results obtained were as follows: 1.Vocational awareness among government purchasing personnel working in New Taipei City Government is moderate-high. 2.Work-related stress among government purchasing personnel working in New Taipei City Government is moderate-high. 3.Male government purchasing personnel showed a higher level of understanding of tendering procedures and a higher level of overall vocational awareness. 4.Government purchasing personnel in the 41 – 50 age group showed a higher level of understanding of the process through which tenders are awarded. 5.Government purchasing personnel with an educational level of “graduate school or higher” showed a higher level of understanding of tendering procedures and contract performance management. 6.With regard to specialist expertise, government purchasing personnel who had been awarded at least the basic level of purchasing specialist qualification showed a higher level of understanding of tendering procedures, the tender award process, and acceptance inspection, and had a higher level of overall vocational awareness. 7.Male government purchasing personnel reported a higher level of work-related stress attributable to their working environment. 8.Government purchasing personnel in the 31 – 40 age group reported a higher level of work-related stress attributable to lack of specialist expertise and to pressure relating to judicial investigations. 9.Government purchasing personnel educated to senior high school (or senior vocational school) level or below reported a higher level of work-related stress attributable to their working environment. 10.Government purchasing personnel with 6 – 8 years experience in purchasing operations reported a higher level of work-related stress attributable to their working environment. 11.Government purchasing personnel who had been awarded at least the basic level of purchasing specialist qualification reported a higher level of work-related stress attributable to workload. 12.There was a significant negative correlation between government purchasing personnel’s vocational awareness and their level of work-related stress. On the basis of the research findings, a number of suggestions are put forward for the reference of the regulatory authorities, New Taipei City Government agencies responsible for government purchasing, purchasing personnel, and future researchers.


Lutton, T. A. (1988). A study of burnout, stress, and coping strategies among elementary principals. Doctoral Dissertation, University of La Verne, (1988).
