  • 學位論文

顧客不文明行為對情緒耗竭之影響:探討知覺主管支持 之調節角色

The Influence of Customer Incivility on Emotional Exhaustion-Exploring the Mediating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support

指導教授 : 汪美伶


服務人員承載高度的工作壓力及負面之情緒,倘若無法自我管理負面情緒或適時獲得資源及支持,勢必會對他們身心帶來負擔,進而影響後續工作行為。本研究應用JD-R模式,以探討顧客不文明行為對服務人員情緒耗竭的影響,並探討知覺主管支持調節角色。 本研究針對國內某兩商業銀行的第一線服務人員,利用問卷方式收集660 份有效資料,並採層級迴歸分析結果顯示,顧客不文明行為對情緒耗竭具顯著正向影響;知覺主管支持對情緒耗竭具顯著負向影響;知覺主管支持對於顧客不文明行為而產生情緒耗竭無顯著調節效果。針對上述結果,本研究提出理論意涵與管理建議。


The service personnel loads higher work pressure and negative emotion. Hence, it is supposed to result in physical and mental load without negative emotion self-management or resource supporting in time and then affects the follow-up working behaviors. The study was applied the JD-R model to explore the impact of customer incivility on the emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of perceived supervisor support. Data was collected from the 660 valid questionnaires of the the first-line service personnel those who work in two domestic commercial banks. The results after hierarchical regression analysis show that the customer incivility had a significant positive effect on the emotional exhaustion, the supervisor support had a significant negative effect on the emotional exhaustion, and the perceived supervisor support had no significant moderating effect on the relation between customer incivility and emotional exhaustion. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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