  • 學位論文


A Study on Constructing Planning and Design Strategies for Eco-city — A Case Study of Xinyi District,Taipei City

指導教授 : 彭光輝


都市發展邁入21世紀後,對於自然環境與生態的破壞更加嚴重,世界各都市因應全球暖化及永續發展,分別針對當地不同環境展開「生態都市」的研究及實際策略執行,除了歐美相關機構及學者藉由實際案例探討相關生態都市規劃設計理論,世界主要都市也針對其不同既有都市環境提出其改善策略,期望以生態都市規劃設計將都市再生成為更可居、更生態的都市。國內內政部營建署雖於1995年開始推動綠建築執行,內政部建築研究所於1999年開始進行綠色建築標章認證,惟對於整體都市環境仍欠缺具體改進策略,對此,行政院於2008年也開始進行「生態都市綠建築推動方案」,來達到建立「生態都市」的目標。 對於目前生態都市推動,本研究針對歐盟Eco City專案、英國學者Randall Thomas所著「Sustainable Urban Design」及美國USGBC LEED 2009社區發展檢定系統相關理論,以及波特蘭、舊金山、紐約、倫敦、哥本哈根、東京及新加坡近年來所提「氣候變遷計畫」及相關計畫的生態都市規劃設計執行策略探討,歸納出除了綠建築及景觀綠化外,包含都市規劃及設計、交通運輸、都市內的自然景觀以及建築物與能源等相關生態都市規劃設計策略,及對於臺灣執行之建議。 另臺北市一樣也面臨全球暖化的課題,而信義計畫是國內第一個實施都市設計地區,本研究將以國外相關理論及研究,以及7個都市推動執行所整理出的策略,對應信義計畫區目前所執行的狀況,提出生態都市之推動建議,並希望能作為國內類似既有都市環境的參考。


Critical threats and damages to natural environment and ecology is associated with urban development in the 21st century. Responding to climate change and sustainable development, cities worldwide have conducted research and practice on “eco-city”. In addition to theoretical discussion on eco-city planning and design through practical cases by institutions and scholars, cities impose specific improvement strategy based on existing environment of each city for more livable and ecological cities. Although Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of Interior implemented green architecture plan and Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of Interior initiated “Green Architecture Label” recognition, the comprehensive plan for urban environment has not yet been completed. Hence Executive Yuan commenced “Eco-city Green Building Action Plan” to achieve the objectives of “eco-city”. The literature review on the latest eco-city theories and projects focuses on Sustainable Urban Design by English scholar Randall Thomas, and community development examination system by American USGBC LEED in 2009. The review also investigates the climate change projects and related urban planning, urban design and strategic plan in Portland, San Francisco, New York, London, Copenhagen, Tokyo and Singapore. Other than green buildings and green landscape, this research examines critically the roles of urban planning and design, transportation, natural landscape, energy conservation for buildings, the related planning and design strategies. This research provides suggestions on the influences of case study on Taiwan. Similar to other cities, Taipei envisages the issue of global warming, and Xinyi District was the first area for urban design in Taiwan. The research concludes the analytical examination on theory, related research, strategic plan from 7 cities, and reflects the issues in Xinyi District, and provides suggestions on eco-city as a critical reference for similar city environment in Taiwan.


[34] 賀士麃,「臺北市都市設計制度之研究」,南亞學報,第二十五期。
[29] San Francisco Planning Department, "A Draft Update the Recreation and Open Space Element", San Francisco: San Francisco Government, 2008。
[1] 內政部建築研究所,綠建築解說與評估手冊,臺北:內政部建築研究所,2007。
[2] 內政部建築研究所,生態社區及生態街區評估手冊草案,臺北:內政部建築研究所,2009。


