  • 學位論文


The Research of the Key Success Factors of Restaurant Industry Technological Service

指導教授 : 廖森貴


科技是服務創新的重要驅動力之一,在競爭激烈的餐飲服務業中,已有知名餐飲業試圖導入或規劃科技化服務,提供顧客在餐廳服務與經營管理上應用電腦、3G手機、PDA等工具訂位及點餐,因此,本研究將研究範圍聚焦於餐飲業導入科技化服務之關鍵因素,期望餐飲業者可藉由成功導入科技化服務而提升其競爭力。 本研究先從整理服務業導入科技化服務或服務科學之相關文獻,擷取關鍵因素後,再以專家訪談法與專家及業者討論修正研究架構,包含4個構面及16個關鍵因素。其次,運用層級分析法對具有科技化服務經驗之36個餐飲業主管進行問卷調查,共計有效問卷22份,並藉以找出餐飲業導入科技化服務之關鍵因素,層級分析調查結果得知最重要之構面為「服務概念」,權重最重的關鍵成功因素則為「顧客介面」構面中的「顧客需求」。 最後,本研究提出以下結論:1.了解顧客需求為餐飲業導入科技化服務最重要的關鍵成功因素;2.「服務概念」為最重要經營構面;3.「服務概念」方面,顧客導向的文化重於組織互動創新;4.員工宣導訓練為餐飲業導入科技化服務在「服務傳遞系統」上最重要策略;5.餐飲業導入科技化服務的科技應用,資通訊科技運用重於選擇技術合作公司。


Technology is one of momentous motivations in the domain of service innovation. In the highly competitive dining industry, some well-known companies have taken the lead and managed to guide or map out their hi-tech service systems. Within the know-how of dining service and management, they provide the clients convenient ways to book tables and order meals utilizing some devices such as computers, 3G mobile phones, PDAs and so on. Accordingly, this research will be aimed at the several successful key factors to implement the adaptation of hi-tech service systems in the dining industry. At the same time, I expect the industry can be enhanced more competitiveness by the usage of hi-tech service systems. Firstly, this research starts from the sort of documents for the service science and the adaptation of hi-tech service systems in the service industry. Meanwhile, with the method of expert interview, after excerpting the key factors from the studies, I visit some experts and businessmen in the industry to discuss and revamp the construction of this research, four aspects and 16 key factors included. Thus, AHP, the analytic hierarchy process, is implemented to ask 36 managers, the experts in the industry with copious know-hows of the adaptation of hi-tech service systems, to fill out the questionnaires; 22 effective ones response. By those questionnaires, I try to ascertain the key elements on the adaptation of hi-tech service systems in the dining industry. According to the result of AHP, the most important aspect in this research is “the concept of service”. The heaviest weight of successful key factors is “the request from the customers” in “the interface of customer”. To sum up, the five results have been concluded in this research: 1. Understanding the requests from customers is the crucial factor for the adaptation of hi-tech service systems in the dining industry. 2. “The concept of service” is the most important management aspect. 3. In the way of “the concept of service”, customer-oriented culture focuses on its innovation and interaction in an organization. 4. On the part of “service delivering system”, the training campaign for the employees is the most important policy. 5. Under the application of hi-tech service systems in the dining industry, the manipulation of information technology is more crucial than the choice of technic providing companies.




蔡明聰(2014)。雷射設備商經營關鍵成功因素探討 -以H公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-1606201414294000
