  • 學位論文


Reinforcement of emergency response and mobilization for the military organization

指導教授 : 張寬勇


近年來全球天災人禍頻傳,例如國內之921大地震與納莉風災、美國911恐怖攻擊事件與卡崔納颶風、南亞大海嘯與日本阪神大地震等,這些災害都造成了大規模及大範圍之破壞,往往是政府或一般民間救災團體能力所無法負荷的,為彌補救災效率之不足,能夠快速出動、有效率與紀律支援政府救災單位,非軍事單位莫屬,在各國災害搶救之案例顯示,軍隊在緊急救災與應變行動中扮演極重要之角色。軍隊不僅兼具有紀律有效率之特點,於執行命令時更是以絕對服從的方式在最短的時間內完成上級所交付之任務,而防災與緊急應變最重要的就是搶救之時效,故國軍加入防災與緊急應變之工作行列後,在防災救災之緊急應變與動員之效率應可大幅提升。但目前國內之國土安全與防救災體系未有效整合,在制度面與法規面亦有介面上之問題,當災害發生時往往因介面不同而嚴重影響救災執行效率。 由於前述我國戰略環境、地理條件以及世界趨勢的影響,如何提升我國防災與緊急應變機制的運作及效能,並強化動員能力為目前最重要之課題之ㄧ。因此,本研究乃借由探討並比較國內外動員與防災機制之特色,俾能精進我國國軍緊急應變動員機制之運作,為本研究論文主要探討之動機。 經研本研究歸納整理各國動員制度,可供借鏡參考有:一、確立整體建軍目標,有計畫進行長期、周密、充分的動員整備;二、國防建設與經濟發展合一,共同展現精壯活力;三、養用一體原則,提高國防投資的綜合效益;四、擷取世界各國動員制度優點,健全國家動員體制;五、統籌後備動員,完成全民國防;六、建立後備軍人與動員制度;七、檢討改進動員及民防制度,使能適應當前社會變遷,肆應中共犯台需要。 經由本研究探討國內外國軍緊急應變動員制度與案例後,提出六點結論與五點建議如下: 1.增訂(修)國軍緊急救災的相關法令;2.國軍加入擬定緊急救災計畫;3.緊急救災指揮機制之重新構建;4.依據計畫的內容建立編制表、購置裝備、物資及訓練人才以提供災害發生時完整之後勤物資與兼具專業與精壯之國軍人力;5.通訊傳播系統之強化;6.全民防衛與緊急救災之結合 1.民防與災害防救結合;2.建立健全的「國土安全網」;3.建立專業之救災任務訓練機制;4.善用儲備營區完成救災任務;5. 重新律訂符合救災任務之支援協定,以保障國軍之權益。 未來需持續推動「建立全民團結的憂患意識」、「完備全民支持的法令規章」、「發展全民參與的軍文關係」、「建構全民防衛的安全體系」之全民國防共識。為使動員工作能與憲政體制一致,今後應在既有之基礎上,力求精進,本前瞻性、整體性,參考各主要先進國家作法,針對中共之威脅,衡量國情狀況,制定一套真正適合我國情的動員制度,並不斷修定作戰計畫及調整兵結構,貫徹精兵政策,完成編裝整備,落實動員工作,才能做到「平時養兵少,戰時用兵多」及「及時動員、及時作戰」之目標,以適應未來戰爭之需要,達成國軍使命。


In recent years, the world-wide natural and man-made disasters had occurred frequently, such as The earthquake of 921 (Sep. 21, 1999), Nari Typhoon (Sep. 2001), 911 terrorist attacks on the US (Sep. 11, 2001), Katrina Hurricane (Aug. 2005), The Indian Ocean earthquake and Tsunami (Dec. 2004) and The Kobe earthquake, Japan (1995)….etc. These kinds of disasters caused very serious destruction in a big scale and scope and in such disasters the government or the public organization usually cannot bear the capabilities of disaster-relief, in order to supply the insufficiency of disaster-relief, the armed units with quick action, high efficiency and more disciplines is to be a support group for government and should function as a main role in emergency response and relief disaster. The armed forces not only own the characteristic of more disciplines and high efficiency but also are totally obeyed to achieve all missions commanded by the high authorities in a short time. Furthermore, the rescue timing is the most important in disaster-relief and emergency response so that military forces add to the rescue job of disaster prevention and emergency response and enhance the efficiency of mobilization of disaster-relief. However, so far domestic country security and disaster-relief system have not been effectively integrated and also have diverse types of the systematical and the law problems to obviously influence the achievement of disaster-relief when disasters occurred. Due to domestic strategic surroundings, geographic circumstances and the world tendency, it is the most important lesson to enhance our country operations and efficiencies of the mechanisms of disaster prevention and emergency response and to strengthen the mobilization capability. Therefore, this research compared with domestic and foreign characteristics of the mobilizations and disaster-relief mechanisms, so as to make great progress on the operations of our military forces in emergency response and mobilization, and it is also the study motion on this thesis. This study collects and concludes the mobilization systems in various countries for reference: 1. to make sure the target of set-up army and plan to go on a long-term, detailed and ample mobilizations; 2. to combine the building up of national defense and economic development and display strong activities; 3. To execute training and combat together and to enhance complex effects upon the national defense investment; 4. to select the advantages of mobilizations of world-wide countries; 5. to integrate the backup mobilizations and to achieve the civil national defense; 6. to set up the reserve forces and mobilization systems; 7. to review and improve the mobilization systems and civil defense and to suit to social changes of nowadays and protect Taiwan against Communist Party of China’s attacks. This study discusses domestic and foreign cases of mobilization systems and emergency response of military forces and there are some conclusions and suggestions as follows: Conclusions: 1.To add (revise) the related laws of disaster relief of military forces; 2.To add military forces into emergency and disaster-relief plan; 3.To reconstruct commander mechanisms of emergency and disaster-relief 4.According to the contents of the plan, to set up the table of organization, to prepare equipment and material and personnel training and to offer the entire backup material and professional and strong armed forces in the occurrence of disasters; 5.To strengthen the communication and the mass media system 6.To integrate the civil defense and emergency disaster-relief Suggestions: 1.Combination of the civil defense and disaster-relief 2.Set-up the well “Network of Country Security” 3.Set-up the professional training mechanisms and disaster-relief missions 4.Utility of the reserve camp zone and achievement of disaster-relief missions 5.Reset-up supporting agreements in accordance with the disaster-relief missions and protection rights and interest of military forces In the future, our country will go on to set up “the civil union from misery sense”, “the laws and regulations from civil supports”, “the development of the military and civil relations”, “built-up a security system of the civil defense” under the consensus of the civil and national defense. In accordance with mobilization measures and constitution systems, from now on, basically our country should make great progress and have the perspective and entirety and refer to the measures of the main developed countries. To face up to Communist Party of China’s threat, we also survey the country conditions and establish a set of mobilization systems adapted to our country and continuously revise military scheme and adjust military structure and carry out the picked troops policy, set-up the military equipment and mobilization systems to the extent of “less armed forces in peacetime and more armed forces in wartime” and to the target of “mobilizations in time and combats in time” and then suit to the requirements of the future wars and achieve the missions of the military forces.


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