  • 學位論文


A Study on Planning the Emergent Refuges in Urbanized Areas after Earthquake- A Case Study of Hua Jiang Park in Banciao City

指導教授 : 彭光輝


都市地區發生大規模地震時,道路橋樑破壞、建築物倒塌、火災的發生、交通混亂以及人員傷亡也隨即產生。地震災害發生後數小時至3日內的緊急避難,具關鍵性的減災與救災時效,因此緊急避難據點的規劃使用,可減低災害發生時災民的恐慌無助、散亂的避難行為與無效率的救援活動。 基於921大地震的救災及復原經驗,都市化地區如能事先規劃完善的緊急避難據點,透過教育宣導及平時演練,提供民眾在震災初期自律性選擇適宜的避難場所,將使救援單位在短時間內掌握避難人數、完成物資發放及後續收容安置。 本研究主要針對震災後「緊急避難據點」進行規劃研究,透過文獻法蒐集國內、外相關理論與案例,進而探討緊急避難據點及防災公園的特性與功能,以建立規劃原則,將緊急避難據點茲分為基地安全、避難功能及救援功能三個部分,並細分18個規劃項目。 最後遴選臺北縣板橋市華江公園為模擬案例,進行調查與規劃,檢討其防救災功能性是否完善,並提出改善建議。期望地震發生時,提供民眾適合之緊急避難場所,完成緊急避難之目的,俾利災後行政機關各部門救災、復原工作的進行。


In the case of a massive earthquake in urbanized area, the effects like life loss, destruction of roads and bridges, collapse of buildings, concurrence of numerous fire cases as well as traffic congestion appear almost seconds after the disaster strikes. The emergency refuge actions in the aftermath of the hazard, from several hours up to three days, have been proven their critical efficiency in terms of mitigating and preventing disaster impact; for that reason, the planning and implementing of Emergency Refuges sites may reduce the degree of panicky reaction of refugees, confusing evacuation behavior and deficient rescue activities. As what the experience of prevention and restoration in the 921 earthquake illustrates, the advance preparedness of integrative emergency sites in conjunction with disaster-prevention propagation and drilling can not only equip the public with self-discipline to select applicable refuge sites at the onset of disaster, but also provide the rescue team with more accurate number of refugees in favor of subsequent supply dispatch and refugee accommodating without delay. This study aims at planning the post-earthquake emergency refuge sites, through systematically literature analysis method to review real-case studies and relevant literature, both national and international. It is expected to highlight and evaluate the characteristics and functions of emergency refuge sites and disaster-prevention parks; furthermore, to elicit guidelines in support of establishing emergency refuge sites. With eighteen planning items in its subdivision, the study has been divided into three major sections: the security of the base, refuge function and rescue function. In the last part of the research, a simulation modeling and analysis over the field model of Hua Jiang Park in Banciao City is made to examine the planning, to discuss the effectiveness of disaster-prevention and rescue mechanism, as well as to elicit any suggestions for further improvement. It is the purpose of the study to equip the public with suitable emergency refuge sites for the emergency evacuation that is needed when an earthquake hits, hence, it hopes to facilitate the post-restoration and rescue action of the authority.


﹝7﹞李威儀、陳志勇等,2008,台北市內湖地區都市防災空間系統規劃,25 Vol.2 No.2,地理資訊系統季刊。


