  • 學位論文


Critical Success Factors of Analyzing Business Process Reengineering and Project Management Practice

指導教授 : 盧大平


本研究結合企業流程再造與專案管理制度之實務導入案,該專案之執行對象為大陸消費性電子公司,執行時間為一零二年年初至一零三年年中,且至今已前往該公司之深圳廠區六次。該專案之執行主要分為三大項目,第一,結合企業流程再造與廣泛運用在台灣電子產業的C-system研發流程的概念,建立專屬於該公司之主要執行流程:C-flow,第二,建立專案管理制度以監督及跟進該公司之每一新產品依據主要流程執行,並確保該流程與公司內員工每日之工作內容相結合,最後,建立關鍵績效衡量指標以評估執行之成效。 在本研究中,詳盡的描述執行導入的結合工作流程的概念並且提升工作執行的完整性之實際情況。本研究希望萃取該專案執行的成功經驗,成為其他未來相關企業流程再造實務專案之參考。因此,本研究建立企業流程再造與專案管理實務導入之關鍵成功因素模型,使用模糊層級分析法分析每一因素之相對權重,並以實際執行之專案案例解釋其管理意涵,以提供管理者決策之參考,提高企業流程再造實務導入之成功機率。


This research is focus on a real practice of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Project Management (PM) system. The project was carried out in China, where we visited six times over the past one and half years to execute it. First, we build up the business critical process, within the concept of business process reengineering (BPR). Second, this critical business process was followed up by project management (PM) system. And then, the execution performance was assessed by key performance indicators. In the research, the execution of this implementation is described, to realize the concept of workflow and improve the work completeness. This study extracts the experience of this project, to apply to other executions of implementation projects and for future reference. This research constructs a critical success factors (CSFs) model of BPR and PM system practices, using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to analyze the weighting of each factor, and then explain the business meaning with this case study. The analyses include the results of BPR and PM system implementation practices, and the CSFs model of FAHP analysis result. Through the result of these analyses, it can improve the BPR implementation and new system import practices in future related cases. The FAHP analysis identified the top five CSFs: “Strong Leadership”, “Top Management Support”, “Communication”, “Capable Project Team”, and “Specialist Assistance” as the top five most important CSFs. These could support managers’ decision-making, and increase the success rate in BPR and PM system implementations.


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甯政平(2015)。台灣傳統性產業的企業在大陸地區經營之變革與再造 —華澤公司之個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11332
