  • 學位論文


The Mediating Mechanisms between Applicant Resume Information and Interviewer Evaluation

指導教授 : 陳建丞


在公司甄選面談之前,應徵者的履歷表如何能在競爭激烈的求職者中脫穎而出,一直是過去研究與實務界欲探究的議題,且過去研究多著重於以實驗法來進行研究。因此,本研究透過實地研究的方式,以應徵者的履歷表資訊為自變數,面試官對於此應徵者的人格特質、工作知識與能力之知覺為中介變數,面試官對應徵者的評量為應變數,這使得履歷表資訊與面試官評量之間的中介機制能更清楚地瞭解。 本研究以台灣地區30家公司之62位履歷篩選者及164位履歷表為研究對象。研究結果顯示面試官知覺到的工作知識會中介應徵者工作經驗資訊與面試官評量之間的正向關係,面試官知覺到的人際技巧會中介應徵者社團活動資訊與面試官評量之間的正向關係,面試官知覺到的聰穎會中介應徵者學歷資格資訊與面試官評量之間的正向關係。並且,履歷表美觀性與面試官知覺到的勤勉審慎性有正向關係。履歷表美觀性、面試官正向心情亦與面試官評量有正向關係。


Past research investigated the issue that how did applicants’ resumes catch interviewers’ attention among a large number of competitors before the employment interview. The present study included applicants’ resume information as independent variables, the perception of interviewers as mediating variables, and interviewer evaluation as dependent variable. This field study examined the mechanisms in real employment process between resume information and interviewer evaluation for actual job openings. Data were collected from 62 interviewers and 164 resumes in 30 organizations in Taiwan. Results showed that more information related to work experiences reported on the applicants’ resumes brought much work knowledge and ability perception to the interviewers. The extracurricular activities information presented on applicants’ resumes were positively related to the interviewers’ perception of interpersonal skill. Besides, more information related to academic qualifications on the resumes generated much intelligence perception. This finding also indicated that resume aesthetics was positively related to the interviewers’ perception of conscientiousness. In addition, the higher the above four perceptions of interviewers were, the greater the evaluation of resumes was.


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