  • 學位論文


Potential World Heritage Sites: A Study on the Lin-Ten-Shan Forest Station

指導教授 : 黃士娟


日治時期林田山林場的開發是繼「阿里山」、「八仙山」與「太平山」三大官營林場之後,是最早的民營伐木事業區。林田山伐木事業始於1918(大正7)年,逢1942年日本發動太平洋戰爭,為搜刮物資以供戰爭消耗之影響,促使林田山林場的壯大。林場的發展除了受到經營管理者的計畫影響之外,也受到國家政策影響。作為日治時期臺灣四大林場之一的林田山林場,敘述了為經濟發展伐取資源,而遺留下來的特殊文化,同時保有日治時期生活樣貌,形成非常特殊之林業景觀。如同九份是臺灣礦業史的縮影,林田山林場亦可以被視為林業史縮影,國內也難以再尋找到如此完整之日式林業聚落,這即是它重大的意義與價值。 在政府大力推行臺灣的世界遺產潛力點及產業文化觀光崛起的時代,產業文化資產再利用盛行。本研究著重於林田山林場保存觀點的發展,並詳實探討伐木產業設施、產業形式及產業活動;分析由社區居民參與所建構起的林田山林場觀光是否適宜。由世界遺產之相關法規切入為伐木產業的永續經營作整合分析,擬定未來發展之可能性,重建林田山林場產業內涵及價值,並將此轉變為未來林業文化保存的核心。


Lin‐Ten‐Shan Forest Station, following the Japanese occupation, "Ali-shan," "Ba-sian-shan" and "Tai-ping-shan" after the three government-run forests, logging the earliest development of the private business district. Wood harvesting began in 1918 (Taisho 7) years, and Japan launched the Pacific War in 1942, war to impact of plunder the materials to promote the Lin‐Ten‐Shan forest growth of consumption . Forest mainly by the forest management plans and national policies decides to development goal. Japanese occupation of Taiwan the During, Lin‐Ten‐Shan forest is one of the four big forest, special cultural legacy description economic development and resources consumed relationship, preserve during the Japanese occupation the life, and formation of a very special landscape of the forest station. Domestic difficult to find such a complete of forest space and industrial facilities, this is its significance and value. Encouraged by the Government's policy regarding Potential Site of World Heritage and culture heritage tourism develops prosperously in Taiwan, Industry Cultural Heritage Reuse was popular. This research was comparative in the conservation development of Lin-Ten-Shan Forest Station, and approached logging facilities, industrial form and industrial activity. It analyzed the community resident participation, which constructs the tourism form in Lin-Ten-Shan Forest Station. On the other hand, researched the laws of World Heritage, and analyzed the sustainable management of Forestry, drew up the possibility of the future development, reconstruction of meaning and value of Lin‐Ten‐Shan industrial forest, and change the future of forestry core of preservation cultural.


