  • 學位論文


A Study on the Educational Ideas and Practice of Botanic Gardens: from the Perspectives of Museology

指導教授 : 楊宗愈


植物園作為博物館的一員是現代社會中不可或缺的教育機構,其積極於鼓舞大眾探索自然知識、倡導自然保育理念及推廣終身學習。本研究旨於探討植物園教育的內涵與實行。以博物館學的視角,採用不同案例研究及實地訪談之方式,融入來自博物館的教育理念與方法,整體性探究植物園教育的關懷核心、目的、特質等內涵及常見之實行方式,進而分析比較國內外不同植物園推行教育的現象及思考策略,期盼藉此促進國內大眾對於植物園教育的認知與重視,增進臺灣植物園教育的多元發展。 研究結果顯示,植物園教育以活體植物為重點學習對象,關懷核心圍繞著植物、人類、環境三者緊密的互動關係。教育目的在於傳達植物於人類社會的重要性、生命的體驗與學習及對地球環境的關懷與保育。表現出重視學習者實際觀察與主動參與、植物於人類日常可親性與生活化、全環境的五感體驗學習及跨學科多元學習課題等教育特質。常見實行方式則可分為導覽解說、展示呈現、課程活動及教材資源之四大層面。並可從植物園勇於面對觀眾主動出擊、活用跨領域多元創意學習手法等方面,呈現出現今國內外多數植物園推行教育的共同現象及思考策略。最後,綜合整體研究分析及成果作出總結,並提出植物園應加強與鄰近社區各級學校進行合作交流共同建立種子教師的專業培訓課程,以及植物園應多加考量不同類型觀眾群的需求(如:成人、身心障礙者、社區等)提供多元、常態的教育課程與活動等建議,期盼能提供與國內兩案例植物園作為參考,未來推廣植物園教育及相關學習活動具有更多不同的視野與創意。


As one of museum, the botanic garden was important educational institution in the modern society. It actively inspired people to discover various knowledge of natural science. And it also promoted some important issues of ecological environment as well as the lifelong learning. This study aimed at exploring the educational ideas and practice of botanic gardens as the perspectives of museology by using multiple case studies as well as semi-structured interview. It first analyzed the core of education, purposes ,and characteristics. And, it also sought out some common practical phenomena and strategies from different cases in order to achieve the final objective of this study: advance various development of botanic gardens education in Taiwan. In addition, educational ideas and ways of museum assisted mainly this study in developing theories as well as views. According to the outcome of interview and analysis, this study summarized the following conclusions: the main objects-learning of botanic gardens education are living plants. Plants, human beings, and the environment are the core of botanic gardens education. As to the purposes of botanic gardens education, firstly it conveys that plants are essential in the society of human beings. Secondly, audiences can experience the beauty of various beings in botanic gardens ,and then learn to appreciate and respect them. Thirdly, urge further people to care about environmental issues. As for the characteristics of botanic gardens education, there are four items. Firstly, audiences are expected to pay attention on observation and participation in person. Secondly, plants are accessible in every day life so that they are easy to get. Moreover, botanic gardens education welcomes anyone regardless of age, gender, class, race, disablement. Thirdly, audiences can fully use five senses to experience and learn plants in botanic gardens. Lastly, there are a lot of studies which cover diverse subjects and fields, for example, art, science, culture, history and so on. Besides according to the observation of the study, the common practical methods of botanic gardens education were inclusive of guided tours, exhibits, courses and activities, learning resources. And, most of botanic gardens facing audiences were more active than the past. As regards common educational methods, they were various, flexible, and full of life. They cleverly combined education with recreation. Finally, this study provided some educational views and advices for botanic gardens in Taiwan, for example, botanic gardens should offer teachers of all stages in education professional training courses, and more care about different kinds of audiences such as adults, disabled people, residents of local community. And then, botanic gardens should also offer them suitable educational courses as well as activities.


