  • 學位論文

《Watership Down》中譯本評析與翻譯研究

A Critique on the Translated Text of Watership down and Translation Strategy Analysis

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本研究為針對動物文學及青少年小說的翻譯探討,旨在評析理察亞當斯 (Richard Adams) 著作《Watership Down》(中譯:瓦特希普高原) 中譯本的三個版本,以及制定過更嚴謹的翻譯程序後,所進行的試譯過程探討。 本論文共分五章。第一章為緒論,說明筆者進行此研究的緣由、動機及目的。第二章為文獻探討,簡介作者生平、本書內容與書評。第三章為中譯本探討,分別為譯者如何理解原著、譯文分析及最後的結語。第四章為試譯程序與過程探討,分別為筆者事先制定的原則與程序、前置準備及試譯過程討論。第五章結論,乃筆者針對本研究的心得和感言。 筆者透過本研究得知相關翻譯小說的概況、評析中譯本的方式、還有此類小說翻譯從頭到尾的步驟順序及過程留意事項,像是各類名稱及自創語言翻譯策略、避免翻譯腔等,獲益良多,亦期盼能作為相關題材譯者之參考。


This research deals with animal literature and juvenile novel translation. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the three versions of Richard Adam’s Watership Down Chinese translation and to discuss the process of translating this novel with a stricter translation principles applied. The thesis has five chapters. Chapter 1 is Introduction, explaining the reason, motive and purpose of this thesis. Chapter 2 focuses on literature review, introducing the Author, the novel and related reviews. Chapter 3 is the critique of the Chinese translation, namely, how the translator perceives the novel, text analysis and conclusion. Chapter 4 discusses the translation process and its results, from setting the process and principles and preparation, to discussing the actual translation method. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. From this research, I have learned the overview of related translation novels, ways of critiquing a translated text, and overall procedure for translation of such novel with additional notes, such as translation strategy for all sorts of names and created language, and how to avoid being translationese. I have gained greatly from this research, and hope that it can be a reference for those translating similar novels.


許哲明、王明志 (2008)「外國地名譯寫作法之探究」。編譯論叢,第一卷第一期,頁141-182。
蘇正隆 (2000)「動植物名詞的中英互譯與教學」。翻譯學研究集刊,第五期,頁171-180。
Adams, Richard (1975). Watership Down. New York: Avon Books.
Baker, Mona (2001). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. New York: Routledge.
Munday, Jeremy (2001). Introducing Translation Studies – Theories and Applications. London: Routledge.


