  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effects of Regional Fragmentation on Urban Performance

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


在全球化的潮流演變下,都會區的產生及成長是現代社會都市進程中的一個重要特徵,也是二十一世紀世界城市化發展的主導趨勢。由相關文獻可知都會區的產生可以是有形或是無形的範圍,只要同在一個區域裡,有共同的生活空間,使在區域內的都市能夠擁有更大的經濟環境,而不再局限在本身的都市,都市透過彼此間的合作亦或是競爭,藉以不斷提升區域整體的發展,因此區域性都會區的形成不僅是時代趨勢,更是能促進區域內各都市績效表現。近年來政府也是朝著區域性的整併政策,在行政院通過台北縣、台中縣市、台南縣市及高雄縣市合併升格為直轄市之後,區域性的五大都會區就此成形。 近年來,有些都會區中心出現「中空化」現象,特別是隨著地方政府實力的不斷壯大,其發展並未走向規模聚集,而是走向了更趨於均勻化的道路,分散的傾也比較明顯,從而出現「割裂」現象。「割裂」是一種衡量都會區的分散程度,可從經濟及政治力來衡量,來判斷區域是以集權或是多核心,何種模式來發展。 以往探討競爭力都是以評比的概念,利用主成份或是專家學者問卷的分析,透過各項指標的計算,以瞭解都市間可解釋的部份,而本研究則是想要探討都市績效,因此無法利用上述方法來計算。本研究是以民國77年至96年的統計資料為基準,針對台灣三大區域及其區域內各都市績效分析的研究,以「經濟構面」及「政治構面」兩大構面共計20個指標,且採用算術平均數的分析,不僅簡單且又容易瞭解指標的積分變化情況。而實證結果顯示,在以政治力衡量的割裂指標上,三大區域均呈現低割裂的趨勢,朝向集權模式的發展;而以經濟力衡量的割裂,三大區域均呈現高割裂的趨勢,朝向多核心模式的發展;此外,不論從經濟或政治面向而言,以經濟力衡量的割裂程度越高時,愈不利於競爭力的成長,二者為負向關係;而以政治力衡量的割裂程度越高時,對於競爭力的成長是有明顯的幫助,二者具正向的關係。


區域 割裂 都市績效


Abstract In the trend of globalization, formation and growth of metropolis presents itself as an important characteristic in urbanization process of modern society, it is also the prominent trend of the world’s urbanization in the 21st century. Relevant literatures indicates that a metropolis can have visible or invisible border, that is, urban in a same region with common living space have larger economic environment in stead of each single urban itself. These urban cooperate or compete with each other to continuously promote development of the whole region. Therefore, formation of regional metropolises is not only a trend of this era, but has the ability to enhance performance of each urban. In recent years, our government is heading towards the policy of regional consolidation. There are total 5 regional metropolises, central-governed municipalities, when the Executive Yuan passed the consolidations of Taipei County, Taichung City and County, Tainan City and County, and Kaohsiung City and County. In recent years, “hollow-like” phenomenon emerges in the centers of some cities. Especially when local governments were becoming more powerful and their development were not inclining towards scale-clustering but towards homogeneity. Scatter inclination is more apparent and a phenomenon of “fragmentation” is thus present. “Fragmentation” is an indicator for measuring dispersion of a metropolis through economic or political power, which is used to determine whether a region is developing in centralized or multi-cored manner. In the past, competitiveness used to be rated by analyses of principal component or A.H.P., by calculating various indicators, to figure out explanatory factors among urban. In stead, this study aims to explore performance of urban and so can’t perform calculation with the above method. This study analyzes performances of the three biggest metropolises in Taiwan and cities within them based on statistical data between 1988 and 2007 by adopting 20 indicators within two aspects, economy and politics, and analysis of arithmetic mean, which are both easy and simple for understanding integral variation of these indicators. Empirical results shows that the three metropolises displays a trend of low fragmentation and develop towards centralized mode by the indicator measured with political power, while they display a trend of high fragmentation and develop towards multi-cored mode by the indicator measured with economic power. In addition, regardless of measurement by economic or political aspects, when the fragmentation measured by economic power is higher it is less beneficial for the growth of competitiveness, which displays negative relationship, while the fragmentation measured by political power is higher it is more beneficial for the growth of competiveness, which displays positive relationship.


regional fragmentation urban performance


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