  • 學位論文


Study of Roan Ching-Yue's Gender Writing Based on Space

指導教授 : 陳芷凡


自世紀末之交作品才逐漸被世人所關注的阮慶岳,實際上早在此之前便在文學領域上有所耕耘,並且一直以來企圖將其建築本業與文學作跨界的對話。長久以來,研究者多以綜論的方式關注其作品的整體面向,近年亦有後進研究者探討其文本中建築與文學的跨界關係。然而,若細讀其諸多長篇小說,可以發現他的作品中,帶有強烈的「性別書寫」特質,而專注探討其作品中「性別書寫」面向的研究,乃是當今較為罕見與匱乏的一環。本文嘗試以「空間」與「性別」兩個向度作切入視角,去探討阮慶岳小說中性別書寫的相關作品,聚焦於其具有一貫風格的長篇小說:《重見白橋》、《林秀子一家》、《凱旋高歌》、《蒼人奔鹿》、《秀雲》、《黃昏的故鄉》等,探討阮慶岳在這些長篇作品中,企圖傳達的相同核心概念,再者,綜觀其所有文學性質的作品中,與「空間」連結性最強的《惚恍——廢墟・殘物・文學》一書,亦帶有強烈的「性別書寫」色彩,因此若納入討論文本,將可更深入地照看「空間」、「性別」兩個向度的書寫特色。本文援引傅柯(Michel Foucault)的「異質空間」(heterotopias)概念,作為「空間」角度的觀看基礎,以此與文本中的「性別書寫」作相互參照,進一步挖掘出文本中的性別、同志議題以及其中的權力關係。


阮慶岳 性別書寫 異質空間 同志


On the end of the 20th century, Roan Ching-Yue’s works was just paid attention; in fact, he concentrates on literature for a long time. Besides, he continues to promote the crossover of architecture and literature. For a long time, the academic investigators almost focus on the whole styles of his writing. In recent years, some investigators started to explore the crossover relation of literature and architecture in his works. If we peruse his novels, we can find the intense feature of gender writing. However, there are rare studies about focusing on the gander writing of his works. This study tries to use the concepts of space and gender to explore Roan Ching-Yue’s works of gender writing. It focuses on a series of novels that have the same style, and it attempts to discover the major concept. Moreover, this study also explores the work: “Displaced: Ruins, Remnants, Literature” which has the most relation of space in Roan Ching-Yue’s works and also contains the feature of gender writing. By dealing with these works, we will deeply observe the features of space and gender. This study cites the concept of Michel Foucault’s heterotopias as the basis of exploring the gender writing. By this way, it explores the relation of gender and power. Furthermore, all along the theme of homosexuality in Roan Ching-Yue’s works attracts investigators’ less attention, and it’s also the main object of this study trying to survey. By perusing, this study attempts to develop different perspectives that are ignored through quoting copiously. Through the deeply exploring of this study, hope the other investigators could find the position of Roan Ching-Yue’s works on the history of Tongzhi literature in Taiwan.


Roan Ching-Yue heterotopias gender writing Tongzhi family


索雅(Edward W. Soja)著,王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯,《第三空間》(台北:桂冠圖書,2004年)。
