  • 學位論文


A Study of the Mobile Office In Business ---Cases of Taiwan HP & Taiwan Microsoft

指導教授 : 胡為善 吳肇銘


摘 要 近年來國際間天災人禍不斷,美國911事件、台灣921地震、納莉水災、SARS風暴,讓企業界深感分散辦公室位置之重要性。而備援辦公室之需求在此次SARS疫情風暴中,已從多位本地傳統產業的老板口中喊出。又隨著電子化科技與網技網路技術成熟,再加上通信技術平台的開放,備援辦公室與行動辦公室之風氣讓大眾族群所重視,並廣為推行。據本研究發現最近因SARS風暴,許多國外公司配備每位員工一部數據機,允許員工在家利用電腦及數據專線聯線上網,與公司聯線的方式上班,在家上班與通信上班在台北最終也廣為付諸實現。 本研究深感辦公室租金高漲、天災人禍不斷、北高兩市許多捷運工程陸續施工,造成交通黑暗期的陰影總是揮之不去,如能讓員工利用發達的通信技術,不一定要在辦公室固定位置上班,甚至採行在家上班或通信上班方式,來達到像在公司辦公室內上班一樣的效果,甚至會有更好的績效。行動辦公室將可結合在家上班與通信上班之多種功能,來達到降低辦公室之租金成本,減少員工上班之壓力,提升員工工作績效,讓企業營運競爭力也相對提升,如此將造成社會、員工與企業三贏局面。 本研究採用個案研究法,訪談了國內兩家國際性知名的高科技公司,找了台灣惠普HP公司與台灣微軟公司,並請該兩公司此專案的負責人作深度訪談,請他們將兩家成功經驗作分享。研究中發現兩家公司要推動行動辦公室時須注意下列事項,如此效益才能得以發揮。應從專案開始便要成立特定組織,教育員工與員工充分溝通,聽取員工各方面意見和需求。參觀成功案例以便取經,辦公室隔間、佈線施工皆要重新裝璜,利用行動通信與資訊先進技術平台,公司內部實施電子化流程管理,對員工採用目標管理。經過半年規劃與溝通,相信行動辦公室之效益便能凸顯出來,辦公室租金減少、員工績效與向心力提升,企業本身競爭力也會明顯突出。故本研究對未來企業營運方式將有些許幫助。




Abstract There have been a lot of seriously disastrous incidents in recent years, such as 911 accidents in the US, 921 Earthquake in Taiwan, and the Nari Typhoon and floods. Many people were homeless or did not have workplaces in the aftermath of these incidents. Enterprises come to realize the importance of distributed office locations. Especially, in the epidemic of the SARS since the second quarter of 2003, many executives of the traditional and IT industries found the urgent need of back-up offices or mobile offices. This investigation found that many global companies have provided every employee with a modem, allowing the employee to work from home by using their personal computers and internet/leased-line connections to the company. Tele-commuting or work at home finally becomes true in Taipei during the first half year of 2003. In light of the rising rent expense of office spaces and unpredictable natural or human disasters, this work found that the management should allow employee to work without a fixed office space by utilizing advanced telecommunication technologies in order to improve efficiency. Mobile offices are able to combine the multiple functions of work-from-home with Tele-commuting to achieve the effects of reduction of office rental costs, decrease employee stress and enhanced work efficiency which consequently would improve the operating competitiveness of enterprises. It will be a win-win-win outcome for the employees, enterprises, and the society at large. By using two case studies, this study interviewed two globally renowned high-tech companies, i.e. HP Taiwan and Microsoft Taiwan. The managers who take charge of the mobile office projects shared their successful experience in details. In summary, the following items need to be taken into considerations if any company wants to ensure a successful implementation of mobile offices. From the beginning of the mobile office project, the manager need to set up an appropriate task force, to educate all employees, and have full communication with employee. In addition, it would also be helpful to ask the employee in advance to visit the companies with successful implementation of mobile offices. On the operation side, enterprises need to deploy automated management systems by utilizing the advanced telecommunication and IT platforms. The benefits of implementing mobile offices would appear after 6 months from planning and communications, such as the reduction of rental cost, the rising of work efficiency, the increase of employee’s loyalty, and the improvement of competitive ability. In conclusion, the findings of this study may provide business with helpful references for future management’s operations.


Mobile Office In Business


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