  • 學位論文


Conservation of Country/City's Cultural Heritage Through Infrastructure and Development –Case Study:Chu –Tung Town

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


摘要 竹東舊稱「樹杞林」,因嘉慶、道光年間樟腦事業的興起,爾後因內山產業於竹東集散、加工(天然氣、竹、木材、石碳、石灰石),竹東周遭的產業也影響了竹東的空間分佈,日治時期因處於交通要衝,成為制理山地的指揮中心,大正3年(西元1914年)台灣礦業株式會社竹東油業所於竹東地區設天然氣採掘井。大正8年(西元1919年)並設立軟橋發電廠,昭和8年(西元1933年)員崠子油田開發完成,更提昇了竹東的產業地位,爾後隨著頭前溪治水完成,於都市計畫內設置工業區,隨著人口的增加與都市計畫內土地的開發,竹東逐步由鄉村聚落轉換成都市聚落。太平洋戰爭雖延緩了竹東工業地帶的發展,但民國40年(西元1951年)內灣線全線開通,更強化了竹東在產業地位的重要性,直至民國57年(西元1968年)隨著林業的採伐的禁止,竹東的產業地位遂告進入尾聲。 竹東鎮有豐富的歷史與產業特色,各種產業設施(林業、水泥業、玻璃業、竹木加工)都曾留下豐富的歷史痕跡,更有著新竹地區的兩大資源條件:玻璃的主要原料硅砂(矽砂)與熔煉過程需的熱能「天然氣」,但隨著台灣的經濟成長,各種的「傳統產業」即將走入歷史,筆者希望藉著此篇論文的建構,完整的呈現竹東鎮的產業空間之發展過程與歷史演進有更進一步了解,並藉著田野調查,尋找鎮內的歷史建築、產業空間,在現今產業文化資產不斷被替換或拆除的過程中,建構竹東鎮城鄉與產業設施發展的演變記錄,並藉由史料整理蒐羅補充產業發展歷史,並針對文化資產的保存提出策略。


城鄉 產業設施 文化資產 竹東


Abstract Chu-Tung is called “Shu-Chi-Lin” in the old days that with the emergence of the camphor industry during Chia-Ching and Tao-Kuang Periods of the Ching Dynasty, it speeds up the pace in which this town is developed. In the 8th year of Showa Period (The Japanese Ruling Period: 1933 A.D), the Japanese Mining Corp. had tried to excavate natural gas in Yuan-Tung-Tzu that along with the development of natural gas as well as the establishment of Yen-Yeh Spices Corp., the industry of this town had also been upgraded. In the 10th year of Showa Period (1935 A.D.) as the “Earthquake of Tun-Tzu-Chia” occurred to Taichung and Hsinchu States with “Project for Chu-Tung Downtown” was published in July 1 of the same year. The project for To-Chien Creek’s water control was completed in the 12th year of Showa Period (1937A.D) to enlarge the spaces for the development of the downtown streets. Later due to the factory establishment of Southern Cement Corp. and excavation of the Lu-Chang Mount within the state for distribution or transshipping center of forestry, coal, limestone so that Chu-Tung Town has rapidly developed to become a newly rising gathering for industries within the Hsin-Chu State that in the beginning after Taiwan’s Restoration, together with Tung-Shih and Luo-Tung, they are called the 3 biggest distribution center for forestry. After the Restoration, a local line towards Nei-Wan feeding from the Taiwan railway has also been constructed that industrial products such as cement and glass etc. within the range of Chu-Chung Industrial District as well as some resources such as timber, bamboo and tea etc. could be transported in and out smoothly. Chu-Tung Town has a rich history as well as industries with features that facilities for each industry (forestry, cement industry, glass industry, bamboo & timber processing industry) are left with rich historical traces. And it also has the two big resources of Hsin-Chu – the key raw material for glass: “silicon sand” (silicon dioxide) as well as the heat of “natural gas” that is required for refining process. However, as with the economic development of Taiwan, all kinds of “traditional industries” are going to disappear into the history that I would like to present a holistic picture about the developmental process and historical evolvement of the industries in Chu-Tung Town by way of the composition of this article for your further understanding and by way of the field studies, look for the historical constructions, spaces for industries within this town. During the process when cultural assets of the industries are being replaced or dismantled endlessly for now, I would like to construct a record about the changes of Chu-Tung Town and the development of the facilities for its industries, and by way of the arrangement and collection of historical archives to back up the history of industrial development and provide some strategies for conserving our cultural assets. Objectives of this Study: 1.Discuss about the formation of the gathering space in Chu-Tung Town and the development of its industries. 2.Provide strategies for conserving historical sites of the industries, guidelines for reuse of industrial spaces, strategies for historical buildings, exploration of the reuse of historical sites of the industries and idle spaces and suggestions for re-creation of the holistic space of Chu-Tung Town. 3.Development of Chu-Tung Ditch and the related facilities for water irrigation. 4.Discuss about the development of the industrial district and the survey of the facilities for the industries. 5.Explore the relationship among the facilities for the industries, the gathering and the Project for Chu-Tung Downtown; the influences of industrial development on the downtown streets; the development of industrial history (cement, petroleum, natural gas, forestry, glass sands etc.); the relationship between mining transportation and industrial facilities and the development of the downtown streets in the earlier period of the Japanese Ruling Period and the beginning after the Restoration.


鍾心怡建築師事務所,竹東鎮公所 鍾心怡建築師事務所
《淡水廳志》,民國45年12月,台灣銀行經濟研究室編印 中原大學張靜愚紀念圖書館
《臺灣之過去與現在》民國61年,台灣銀行經濟研究室編印 中原大學張靜愚紀念圖書館
《台灣之過去與現在—第二冊》,民國61年4月,台灣銀行經濟研究室編印 中原大學張靜愚紀念圖書館
《台灣之伐木運採》,民國56年10月,台灣銀行經濟研究室 中原大學張靜愚紀念圖書館


