  • 學位論文

應用物件導向軟體工程方法論實作物流領域之存貨管理系統 —以物流業個案之研究為例—

Apply the Object Oriented Software Development Methodology in the Inventory Management System within Logistic Domain

指導教授 : 劉士豪 蔡義昌


摘要 由於企業間的激烈競爭及環境的快速變遷,原、物料或成品、半成品的流通,尤其是如何在最低的存貨成本下能夠提供即時而正確後勤(Logistic)支援,往往是企業成敗的關鍵。相對應的軟體系統也比以往更形複雜。不僅軟體需要能更有效率的開發、而且要在不同環境中相互配合。而軟體開發的困難度也相對地提高,軟體往往必須用分開來分析設計再進行整合的方式來開發,因此如何縮短軟體開發時間及提高軟體品質,進而降低整體開發成本並提高開發與維護的彈性。也使得軟體發展及維護的標準化變得更加重要。 軟體發展所需的一般性基礎知識和方法,也就是所謂軟體工程方法論。在近幾年紛紛朝向物件導向方法論在發展,許多軟體發展的方法論紛紛出現像是通用發展程序(Unified Process)簡稱(UP)。其中又包含了表示法像目前被物件管理組織(OMG)所採用的軟體表示法標準即所謂的統一模式語言(UML)、物件導向系統分析與設計(OOA/D) 方法、以及用來提供標準設計規範的設計樣式(Design Patterns)、物件導向程式設計(OOP)實作、以元件為基礎的系統建構方式、以及分散式系統與XML web service等軟體服務應用。均用來改善軟體與降低軟體開發成本及提高效率。理論上,雖然這些標準可提昇軟體開發的品質、速度及效率,但也帶來了許多問題。例如:究竟如何來應用類似的方法論? 其中又牽涉到發展特定軟體所需的相關知識,包括領域知識、資訊技術、相關軟體以及工作經驗等。 本研究以物流業個案之企業相關軟體發展為例來說明上述的理論和標準如何加以應用,並且在實作觀點(Implementation view)運用分層樣式(Layer Patterns)架構,用以劃分系統中的元件和子系統。利用此架構可以將不同開發階段(Phase)中產生的各種元件和系統加以整合。依此架構作為系統的基本架構(System infrastructure)再配合與設計相關的基本框架包括:永續儲存框架(Persistence framework)和以存貨管理部分領域有關的企業框架(Domain framework)等。並建構與系統發展相關的企業及系統分析流程與方法以結合UP(Untfied Process)中所強調,由使用案例驅動(Use-case driven),以架構為中心(Architecture centric),採用漸進與漸增(Itreative and Incremental)方式發展等特性。 本研究試圖利用上述理論和方法,首先,設定分析原則,然後,依此原則建立分層樣式系統架構,另外,建立系統發展之程序架構並依程序架構建立系統發展之程序和方法,同時,依循相關程序和方法並且和UML及UP(Untfied Process)概念結合,整理出一系列在不同開發階段(Phase)及其不同發展過程科目(Discipline)中,所對應的工作成果(Artifact)內的各種模型(Model)並以此作為系統發展的指引。設計並實作出永續儲存框架以及與存貨管理有關的企業應用框架。最後再實作出一個以裝卸、保管與移動作業活動為主的存貨管理(Inventory)雛形系統,以期能成為下一代企業系統開發的參考。


Abstract Due to the keep competition and rapid change within business, the flow of material or finished/semifinished product, especially how to keep the lowest inventory cost provide immediately and correctly, is the key point of the business success. The corresponding software is more complex then before. Not only the software is needed to develop efficiently and match each other in different environment. The difficulty of the software development gets higher. The software development has to be analyzd separately and then integrated. Therefore, how to shorten the time and improve the quality, decrease the entire cost of development and increase the flexibility of development and maintenance. The standardization of software development and maintenance becomes more important. The foundation of knowledge and method needed in the software developing, so-called software engineering, is developed toward object-orientated methodology in the recent years. Lots of methodology is proposed, such as Unified Process(UP).In the Process, includes: The standard software notation, is adopted by Object Management Group (OMG), so-called Universal Model Language (UML)、Method of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/D)、Design Patterns、Object-Oriented Programing、Component-Based System Development Method,and so on.All those are made use of improving software, decreasing the cost of software development and increasing the performance. Theoretically, improving the quality, time consuming and efficiency of software development, results in many problems. For instance, how do we apply the similar methodology? In the case, the methodology involves related knowledge, including domain knowledge, information technology, related software, and experience. In this research, how we apply the theory and standard mentioned above is proposed by the case of software development in logistics industry. In the implementation view, layer patterns framework is taken to segment component and sub-system. By using this architecture, all kinds of component and sub-system, produced during different development phases, is integrated. This architecture is taken to be the system infrastructure, and is matched with related basic design framework, including: persistence framework and stock management related framework. And then, system development related business and constructed system analysis process and method is constructed for matching the stress of UP by the characteristic of use-case driven, architecture centric, and iterative and incremental development method. In this research, we try to use the mentioned theory and method. First, the analysis principle is set up, and then layering pattern system architecture is created by this principle. Following, the process architecture of the system development is established to create the process and method of system development. Meanwhile, all kinds of model in the artifact are figured out in the series of phase and discipline, and use it to be the guide of the system development.Persistence framework and stock related business domain framework is designed and implemented. Finally, the preliminary model of the inventory system is mainly practiced by the loading/unloading, stocking, and movement operating activities for the reference of the next generation of the business system development.


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