  • 學位論文


A Study on Adopting the Architecture of Application Service Provider (ASP) in Non-Profit Organization

指導教授 : 皮世明


近年來非營利組織隨社會的發展而逐漸興盛,因而非營利組織面臨資源上的彼此競爭,非營利組織開始重視資訊化對組織競爭力提升的問題,然台灣大多數的非營利組織在財力資源與人力資源上都明顯的不足,在組織資訊化上面臨許多的困難,而ASP服務以租賃的方式提供軟體服務,讓非營利組織可以用低成本導入可靠的資訊系統,由於過去對於非營利組織採用ASP服務的相關文獻較為缺乏,因此本研究藉由過去對於中小企業採用資訊委外與ASP服務的考量因素為基礎,考量非營利組織的人力、物力、財力資源以及非營利組織資訊化的現況,以瞭解非營利組織採行ASP服務的考量因素。 本研究主要研究的目的為: 1.探討非營利組織評估採行ASP服務之重要考量因素。 2.探討非營利組織在組織資源與資訊化現況對組織採行ASP服務之影響。 而本研究使用個案研究的方式,訪談兩個在資訊化與資源都不相同的非營利組織,所得的結果如下: 1.在成本因素方面:對於資訊經費與人力比較缺乏的組織,該因素是他們選擇採用ASP服務的重要考量因素。 2.在風險因素方面:在資料安全上,並不是採用ASP服務的重要考量因素,而在服務品質上,在組織資訊化程度較低與組織資源較缺乏的組織。雖然會重視服務品質,但廠商所提供的服務品質並不是他們考量ASP服務的重要考量因素,而組織資訊化程度較高,組織資源較豐富的組織,服務品質則會影響他們使用ASP服務架構。 3.在廠商因素方面:非營利組織對提供ASP服務廠商的形象與專業度的信任,會影響非營利組織廠商的選擇。 4.在軟體因素方面:對於剛要開始使用電腦的組織,ASP服務架構能快速建置讓組織使用資訊服務的特性是選擇的重要因素。 5.在組織的因素方面:在缺乏專職資訊人員的組織這是影響採用ASP服務架構的考量因素。 6.資訊經費以及資訊人力缺乏,資訊化程度也較低的非營利組織,對於能提供基礎的資訊服務,如OA軟體,以及附加的資訊服務,例如:e-Mail管理,網站建置等會有較高的需求性,會考慮導入ASP服務架構,而資訊化程度較高的組織,因為考量到已經建置的系統以及使用者的使用習慣,比較不會考慮轉換既有的架構到ASP服務架構之上。 7.專職資訊人員的有無對於非營利組織評估ASP服務上有影響,沒有專職資訊人員的非營利組織會比較傾向使用ASP服務架構。


The prosperity gradually with development of the society of nonprofit organization in recent years, therefore what nonprofit organization faces on resources competes each other, nonprofit organization begins to pay attention to the informationization to the question organizing the competitiveness to improve, but most obvious deficiencies on the resource and human resources of financial resources of nonprofit organization in Taiwan, face a lot of difficulties in organizing the informationization, and ASP service offers software service by way of leasing, enable nonprofit organization to channel into the reliable information system with the low cost, because it is comparatively scarce to adopt relevant documents of ASP service to nonprofit organization in the past, so research this by adopt information outside the committee with factor of testing etc. that ASP serve to small and medium-sized enterprises in the past, consider the manpower of nonprofit organization , the present situations of the material resources , financial resources resource and nonprofit organization informationization, in order to understand that nonprofit organization adopts the doing in the test amount factor of the conduct ASP service. 1. The purpose of this main research of research is: 2. Probe into nonprofit organization and assess the importance which adopts the conduct ASP service and consider the factor. Probe into the influence that nonprofit organization is organizing resources and information-based present situation to adopt the conduct ASP service to the organization. 1. And this research uses case study way, two of interview are in informationization and nonprofit organization not the same of resource, the result of the income is as follows. 2. In factor of the cost: The tissue that relatively lacks to information funds and manpower ,this factor is that they choose the importance that adopt ASP service to consider the factor. 3. In risk factor: In the materials are safe, do not adopt the importance of ASP service to consider the factor, but in serving quality , it is lower with the organization organizing resources to relatively lack to organize the information-based degree. Though will pay attention to serving quality , the service quality offered of the manufacturer is not that the importance that they consider ASP service considers the factor, and organize the information-based degree to be relatively high, organize resources in more abundant organization, service quality will influence them to use ASP service structure. 4. In manufacturer's factor: The image of the manufacturer and trust of degree of the speciality to providing ASP service of nonprofit organization, will influence the choice of the manufacturer of nonprofit organization. 5. In factor of the software: As to is it is it use organization of computer to begin to want just, ASP serve structure can fast construction is it is it use characteristic of information service the important factor chosen to organize to let. 6. In factor organized: Lack full-time information organization of personnel this to is it adopt ASP serve factor of testing etc. of structure to influence. 7. Information funds and information manpower are scarce, the nonprofit organization that the information-based degree is lower, for offering information on the foundation service, such as OA software, and the information service that added , for example: E-Mail is managed, there are higher demands in website's construction ,etc., will consider channelling into ASP service structure, and the organization with higher information-based degree, because consider to the systems and the user's use habits of the construction, will not consider changing the structure that has already had and getting on ASP service structure. Full-time information personnel assess to nonprofit organization ASP have influence on serving, the nonprofit organization without full-time information personnel will relatively incline to use ASP service structure.


Application Service Provider NPO Outsourcing


1.Application Service Provider Industry Consortium, “An Overview of Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Best Practices in the ASP Industry White Paper”, 2000.
2.Application Service Provider Industry Consortium, “An Overview of Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Best Practices in the ASP Industry”, 2000.
3.Badelt , C. “Institutional Choice and the Nonprofit Sector in Anheier H. K. and Seibel W. (eds.) The Third Sector : Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations”. New York : Walter de Gruyter , 1990


