  • 學位論文


The Creation of a Website Design for SanShia Master Temple

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


自古以來,信仰文化一直伴隨著人類文明有數千年之久,廟宇也成為人們精神與心靈寄託的重要場所,廟宇建築與裝飾藝術因而受到信徒們的重視。位於台北三峽長福巖清水祖師廟建廟迄今已有240餘年,由李梅樹教授精心規劃的重建工程,將祖師廟的信仰文化與傳統藝術相互結合,並博得「東方雕刻藝術殿堂」之美譽。本創作將運用科技技術與網際網路的特性,藉由數位虛擬化的創作來呈現祖師廟之美,民眾亦能突破空間的限制來進行祭祀活動,以傳遞出三峽祖師廟傳統文化內容。 經由文獻探討與案例分析的過程,分別蒐集祖師廟相關歷史資料與淵源、探討網站互動設計的相關學理知識,分析數個國內大型的宗教網站架構,並統整廟宇建築與藝術裝飾相關的名詞。可提供祖師廟網站基礎架構規劃之外,亦可作為數位創作之重要參考。 在創作部份運用Flash的互動技術,依照祖師廟網站規劃架構之四大單元,分別是祖師廟介紹、虛擬導覽、藝術賞析以及線上祈福等進行數位創作的呈現。祖師廟介紹單元針對廟宇的相關歷史背景作詳細介紹。虛擬導覽單元則是結合數位影像技術與互動式語法,表現出360度環景導覽的效果。藝術賞析單元以雕刻藝術的為主,內容可分為石雕、木雕、銅雕等三個單元。線上祈福單元則是以虛擬一套祖師廟祭祀流程,從選擇祭品、點香、上香、擲筊、抽籤、看籤詩、到最後燒金紙完成整個的流程。 本創作研究藉由當代數位技術來傳達傳統民俗文化之內涵,期望使用者在網站操作過程中,除了能夠瞭解祖師廟文化與藝術價值、也能夠從中體驗數位互動的樂趣,為台灣民俗文化發揚與保存盡一份綿薄之力。


Since the ancient times, the belief culture has followed the human culture to have several thousand year long time, the temple also becomes the people spirit and the mind reposing important place, the temple construction and the decorative art therefore is valued followers'. Constructed the temple located at the SanShia Master Temple to have 230 years of life until now, plans the reconstruction project carefully by Professor Li Meishu, unifies mutually the founder temple's belief culture and traditional art, and wins “the Eastern carving art palace” the fine reputation. This creation using the technical technology and Internet's characteristic, will present beauty the founder temple because of several virtualization's creations, can surmount spatial by the time populace the limit to carry on the belief activity, will transmit the SanShia Master Temple traditional culture content. By way of the literature discussion and the case analysis's process, the distinction collection founder temple related historic information and the origin, discuss the website interaction design the related scientific theory knowledge, analyzes several home large-scale religion website construction, and makes uniform the temple construction and the art deco related noun. May provide the founder beside the temple website foundation construction plan, may also take several creations the important reference. Utilizes Flash in the creation part the interactive technology, fourth great units according to founder temple website plan construction, respectively is the founder temple introduced that the hypothesized survey, the artistic appreciation as well as on-line pray and so on to carry on several creations presents. The founder temple introduced that the unit makes the detailed introduction in view of the temple related historical perspective. The hypothesized survey unit is unifies several phantom technologies and the interactive type grammar, displays 360 degree link scenery survey the effect. The artistic appreciation unit carves art primarily, the content may divide into the stone carving, the woodcarving, the copper to carve and so on three units. On-line praying unit is by the hypothesized set of founder temple sacrificial offering flow, from the choice sacrificial offering, the spot fragrance, burns incense, throws, drawing lots, to look that signs the poem, to complete the entire flow to the most after-burning gold paper. This creation research transmits connotation of the traditional folk custom culture because of the contemporary digital technologies, expected that the user in the website operating process, except can understand the founder temple culture and the artistic value, can also experience several interactive the pleasure, develops for Taiwan folk custom culture with a preserved one's pygmy effort.


丁雅玲(2006) ,〈台灣懷舊商品之互動網站創作研究P.29-30〉,中原大學商業設計研究所碩士論文。


