  • 學位論文


Study on Relationship among Regional Competitiveness, Regional Innovation and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman - Comparison Analysis of State-level New Area in China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


全球經濟格局變化快速,中國大陸隨過去的改革開放經濟呈高速成長,當前不僅已成為全球第二大經濟體,其經濟發展更牽動亞洲地區的經貿走向,然而中國大陸受成長疲弱與國際情勢影響,近來經濟呈逐步放緩趨勢,因此政府提出全面深化改革期望加速中國大陸經濟轉型升級。且雖然中國大陸投資環境吸引力已不如以往,但其長期持續的經濟成長仍具吸引力,此時,台商除要跟隨經貿發展趨勢轉型升級,更要深入瞭解中國大陸整體投資區域,且瞭解投資區域的競爭力與創新力亦可進一步探知該區域的投資效益,而區域長期持續的發展力更可成為企業長期可持續發展的原動力。 有鑑於此,本研究欲探討區域競爭力、區域創新力與台商推薦度之關係。藉由以「永續條件」、「經濟條件」、「消費條件」、「基礎條件」四構面建構成的「區域競爭力」;以「區域知識創造」、「區域知識獲取」、「區域創新環境」、「區域制度環境」四構面建構成的「區域創新力」;以「城市發揮潛力」、「政府行政效率」、「國際接軌程度」、「城市投資效益」建構台商推薦度四構面,並透過問卷調查方式,且以布局於中國大陸八大國家級新區的台商作為研究對象,用以分別檢視此不同經濟區內的國家級新區與不同時間成立的國家級新區在區域競爭力、區域創新力與台商推薦度中的關聯與差異。本研究共回收315份有效問卷,進行相關統計分析,經整理歸納研究結果後得實證如下。 1.區域競爭力與區域創新力關係密切。其中,以基礎條件與區域創新力四構面相關係數最高。 2.台商布局中國大陸不同經濟區內的國家級新區對區域競爭力、區域創新力、台商推薦度均有明顯差異。其中,長三角地區國家級新區在區域創新力、台商推薦度上優於西部地區與珠三角地區的國家級新區。 3.台商布局中國大陸不同時間成立的國家級新區對區域競爭力、區域創新力、台商推薦度均有明顯差異。其中,成立時間為中期與長期的國家級新區在區域創新力、台商推薦度上優於成立時間為短期的國家級新區。


Global economy changes rapidly. China achieved rapid economic growth through reformation and opening up. Not only does China become the second largest economy in the world, but its economic development also affects Asian economy and trade development. However, China's Slower Growth was impacted by economic growth weakness and international situations. To deal with that, the government has proposed comprehensive deeper reformations expectation to promote economic transformation and upgrade. Although the attraction of China's investment environment is getting worse, China's long-term and sustainable economic growth is still attractive. At this moment, Taiwanese businessmen not only need to follow the economic trends to transformation and upgrade, they but also need to understand the overall investment regional in China. And the investment is of great benefit when they understand the region's competitiveness and innovation. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship among regional competitiveness, regional innovation and recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman. The construct of regional competitiveness is divided into four dimensions: Sustainable conditions, economic conditions, consume conditions and infrastructure conditions. The regional innovation is divided into four dimensions: regional knowledge creation, regional knowledge acquisition, regional innovative environment and regional institutional environment. The recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman is divided into four dimensions: development potential of the city, government’s administrative efficiency, degree of international standards and investment benefit of the city. Long-term and sustainable development of region also can become the driver for the company long-term and sustainable development's power. This research adopts a questionnaire survey which gets effective 315 questionnaires and finds that: (1) There is a close relationship between regional competitiveness and regional innovation. Besides, there is a closer relationship between infrastructure conditions and regional innovation. (2) There are evident differences among regional competitiveness, regional innovation and recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman in different State-level New Area in economic regions in China. Besides, regional innovation and recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman of Yangtze River Delta region’s State-level New Area are especially better than Western region and Pearl River Delta regional’s State-level New Area. (3) There are evident differences among regional competitiveness, regional innovation and recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman in establishing at different times’ State-level New Area in China. Besides, regional innovation and recommendation of Taiwanese Businessman of State-level New Area established at “midterm” and “long-term” are especially better than State-level New Area established at “short-term”.


