  • 學位論文


A Study of High School Mathematics Teachers’ PCK of Confidence Interval in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究以桃園縣高中職數學科教師為母群體,依學校規模抽取11所學校的148位數學教師為調查對象,透過問卷調查高中職教師對於信賴區間教材內容的認知程度及教學現況,經統計分析後歸納重點結論如下: 一、桃園縣高中職數學教師對於信賴區間存在著迷思概念,尤其在跳脫教科書以外的延伸概念及推論部分表現欠佳,顯示現職教師亦會產生如重複抽樣區間不變、信心水準為機率等迷思概念。 二、大學(研究所)時期曾修習過統計學課程及教授過統計單元或信賴區間單元之教師對於信賴區間的認知情況表現較好。 三、74.3%的教師了解《99課綱》中有關信賴區間之課程目標,56.1%的教師贊同引入信賴區間概念,65.5%的教師贊同引入隨機意義概念的教學;大學(研究所)時期曾修習過統計學課程及教授過統計單元或信賴區間單元之教師較贊同高中職數學課程引入統計新概念之教學。 四、桃園縣高中職數學教師對信賴區間概念的教學信心覺知較低,但在信賴區間概念的教師專業知能傾向正向的覺知。 五、大學(研究所)時期曾修習過統計學課程及教授過統計單元或信賴區間單元之教師的學科知識構面表現較佳。 六、教師認為學生在學習信賴區間概念時只會計算題目,並非真的瞭解其意義。 七、教師專業知能學科知識構面覺知較高之教師於信賴區間知識表現愈好。


Subjects in this study were mathematics teachers at senior high schools in Taoyuan County. Based on size scope, 148 teachers in 11 randomly selected schools took survey questionnaires. In order to understand teachers’ recognition levels for confidence interval (CI) and current instructional situation, statistical analysis was employed and results summarized as follows: (1) Senior high school mathematics teachers perceive confidence intervals none too clearly, especially the CI concept and inference capability, indicating that teachers might produce misconcept such as repeated sampling, and concepts of confidence level, which they might believe CI differs from probability, etc. (2) Difference of a teacher’s perception of confidence interval was due to whether they attended statistics courses and whether they taught statistical lessons or CI. (3) Most teachers (74.3%) understand that "99 academic year program guideline" aims at confidence interval as a curriculum goal. For teaching new concepts, 56.1% of teachers agreed with introducing the concept of confidence interval, 65.5% of teachers agreed with introducing random sampling concept instruction. Teachers’ perception of agreement differs based on whether he/she had attended statistics courses, taught statistics or confidence interval during college years. (4) The subjects--senior high school mathematics teachers--had a low level of concept of CI; however, teachers had positive awareness of professional knowledge and ability. (5) Those who took and taught statistics or CI during college years performed better on subject content knowledge. (6) Teachers think that students could calculate subject-based questions; yet they do not really understand the meaning while they learn the concept of confidence interval. (7) Those teachers who had higher level awareness of professional and subject knowledge had better understanding of confidence interval.




