  • 學位論文

工作價值觀、工作投入與組織承諾之關聯性研究 -以桃園縣地方機關清潔人員為例

The Relationships among Work Values, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study on the Local Cleaners of Taoyuan County Authority

指導教授 : 諸承明


「地方機關清潔人員」的工作內容對於社會大眾的居住環境具有極大貢獻,且存在難以避免的危險性;加上桃園縣人口有逐年成長的趨勢,足見「地方機關清潔人員」的工作負荷有與日俱增的趨勢。 因「地方機關清潔人員」的工作價值觀會影響到其對工作投入與組織承諾的程度,故知「地方機關清潔人員」的工作價值觀、工作投入以及組織承諾均對組織發展有著重要的影響性。故本研究目的有四項:(1) 瞭解桃園縣地方機關清潔人員於工作價值觀、工作投入、組織承諾的現況分析。(2) 探討桃園縣地方機關清潔人員個人屬性在工作價值觀、工作投入、組織承諾上的差異性。(3) 探討桃園縣地方機關清潔人員工作價值觀與工作投入、組織承諾的關聯性。(4) 探討桃園縣地方機關清潔人員工作價值觀對工作投入與組織承諾兩者關聯性的干擾作用。 本研究利用「問卷調查」取得受訪者資料,然後,運用敘述性統計分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計分析方法進行資料分析。「總問卷回收樣本數」為 433 份,「總有效問卷樣本數」為 410 份,「總有效問卷比例」為 88.937%。 本研究所得研究結論如下: 1.有關「研究目的一」的研究結論:(1) 桃園縣地方機關清潔人員具有高度正向的「工作價值觀」,其中,針對「目的價值」之自我成長取向、自我實現取向、尊嚴取向等三個細項亦均呈現高度正向傾向;而針對「工具價值」之社會互動取向、組織安全與經濟取向、安定與免於焦慮取向、休閒健康與交通取向等四個細項亦均呈現高度正向傾向。(2) 桃園縣地方機關清潔人員具有高度正向的「工作投入」,其中,針對「工作認同」、「工作責任」、「工作參與」等三個構面亦均呈現高度正向傾向。(3) 桃園縣地方機關清潔人員具有高度正向的「組織承諾」,其中,針對「價值承諾」、「努力承諾」、「留職承諾」等三個構面亦均呈現高度正向傾向。 2.有關「研究目的二」的研究結論:(1) 地方機關清潔人員的「性別」對「工作認同」、「留職承諾」此兩項有顯著差異。(2) 地方機關清潔人員的「婚姻狀況」對「尊嚴取向」有顯著差異。(3) 地方機關清潔人員的「教育程度」對「目的價值」及其所有細項、「工具價值」及其所有細項、「工作投入」及其所有細項、以及「組織承諾」、「價值承諾」、「留職承諾」等均有顯著差異。(4) 地方機關清潔人員的「職位」對「社會互動取向」、「留職承諾」兩項有顯著差異。 3.有關「研究目的三」的研究結論:(1) 地方機關清潔人員之「目的價值」對「工作投入」及其細項均有顯著影響。(2) 地方機關清潔人員之「工具價值」對「工作投入」及其細項均有顯著影響。(3) 地方機關清潔人員之「目的價值」對「組織承諾」及其細項均有顯著影響。(4) 地方機關清潔人員之「工具價值」對「組織承諾」及其細項均有顯著影響。(5) 地方機關清潔人員之「工作投入」對「組織承諾」及其細項均有顯著影響。 4.有關「研究目的四」的研究結論:(1) 「自我成長取向」、「自我實現取向」、「社會互動取向」、「組織安全與經濟取向」、「安定與免於焦慮取向」、「休閒健康與交通取向」對「工作投入」與「組織承諾」關聯之干擾達到顯著水準。(2) 「尊嚴取向」對「工作投入」與「組織承諾」關聯之干擾未達顯著水準。 另外,本研究亦提出以下研究建議: 一、培養清潔人員於「自我成長取向」、「自我實現取向」、「尊嚴取向」、「社會互動取向」、「組織安全與經濟取向」、「安定與免於焦慮取向」、「休閒健康與交通取向」等「工作價值觀」之實現 二、培養清潔人員於「工作認同」、「工作責任」、「工作參與」等「工作投入」之實現 三、培養清潔人員於「價值承諾」、「努力承諾」、「留職承諾」等「組織承諾」之實現 四、適時瞭解「女性」清潔人員的想法與擔憂 五、適切關懷清潔人員的「婚姻狀況」,以促進其對組織的「尊嚴取向」 六、提供可提高清潔人員對組織認同感與歸屬感的相關教育訓練或福利制度 七、加強「技工」此項「職位」的清潔人員之人際互動品質與人際關係 八、培養清潔人員的「自我實現取向」、「尊嚴取向」、「社會互動取向」、「休閒健康與交通取向」等工作價值觀,以促進其對組織的「工作投入」 九、培養清潔人員的「自我實現取向」、「社會互動取向」、「休閒健康與交通取向」等工作價值觀,以促進其對組織的「組織承諾」 十、培養清潔人員的「工作參與」此「工作投入」細項,以促進其對組織的「組織承諾」


The work of the local authority cleaners is very important. They have significant contribution to the living environment of the community and there are unavoidable risks in their work. As the population of Taoyuan County increases every year, so does the workload of the local authority cleaners’. The local authority cleaners’ work values would affect the level of their job involvement and organizational commitment. Thus we know the local authority cleaners’ work values, job involvement, and organizational commitment have very important impact on the organizational development. The four purposes of this study are: (1) To understand the current situation analysis of the local authority cleaners’ work values, job involvement, and organizational commitment in Taoyuan County. (2) To explore the differences of the local authority cleaners’ personal attributes among work values, job involvement, and organizational commitment in Taoyuan County. (3) To explore the relationships among the local authority cleaners’ work values, job involvement, and organizational commitment in Taoyuan County. (4) To explore the effect of coordination or interference of the local authority cleaners’ work values on their job involvement and organizational commitment in Taoyuan County. Questionnaire survey approach was adopted. 443 copies returned, 410 copies valid, and the overall valid response rate was 88.93% of the total samples. Statistical methods such as descriptive analysis, regression analysis and variance analysis were used to analyze the data and exam the relationships and effects among the variables. The findings of this study are as followings: 1. The local authority cleaners have high and positive work values, job involvement and organizational commitment. 2. The local authority cleaners’ gender makes a significant difference on their job identification and retention commitment; their marital status on the orientation of their respect, their education on their organizational commitment, terminal values and instrumental values; and their position on their social interaction and retention commitment. 3. The local authority cleaners’ terminal and instrument values have a significant influence on their job identification, job responsibility, job participation, value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment. Also their job involvement has a significant influence on their organizational commitment. 4. The moderating effect of self development, self realization, social interaction, organization security and economy, stability and free from anxiety and leisure time, health and traffic on job involvement and organizational commitment is significant. And the moderating effect of respect on job involvement and organization commitment is not significant. This study also offers several suggestions: 1. Train cleaners to fulfill their work values on the perspectives of self development, self realization, respect、social interaction, organization security and economy, stability and free from anxiety and leisure time, health and traffic. 2. Train cleaners to increase their job involvement on the perspectives of job identification, job responsibility and job participation. 3. Train cleaners to fulfill their organizational commitments on the perspectives of value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment. 4. Timely understanding the ideas and concerns of the female cleaners. 5. Appropriate care of the cleaners’ marital status in order to promote its orientation of their respect. 6. Provide the education and training or welfare system for cleaners in order to increase their organizational identification and sense of belonging. 7. Enhance the relationships among cleaners and their quality of interpersonal interaction. 8. Train the cleaners’ work values on the perspectives of self-realization, respect, social interaction, and leisure time, health and traffic in order to increase their job involvement. 9. Train the cleaners’ work values on the perspectives of self-realization, social interaction, and leisure time, health and traffic in order to increase their organizational commitment. 10. Train the cleaners’ job participation and job involvement in order to increase their organizational commitment


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