  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Work Stress and Mental Health: Social Support as Moderator

指導教授 : 譚偉象


本研究旨在探討台灣地區企業從業人員的工作壓力與身心健康之關聯性,同時欲瞭解社會支持在工作壓力對身心健康的影響中是否具有調節作用。研究者以立意取樣方式徵得404名有效樣本,以工作壓力量表、OSI-Ⅱ的身心健康量表以及高科技員工職場社會支持量表作為本研究工具;除了使用描述性統計來測量企業從業人員的工作壓力、社會支持以及身心健康現況以外;更以皮爾森積差相關、線性迴歸以及層級式迴歸來瞭解工作壓力、社會支持與身心健康之間的作用關係。研究結果如下: 一、企業從業人員感受到中等程度以上的工作壓力。 二、企業從業人員感受到中等程度以上的社會支持,其中以朋友支持為最高,而以主管支持為最低。 三、企業從業人員的身心健康表現皆為中等程度以上。 四、企業從業人員的挑戰型工作壓力源與阻礙型工作壓力源愈高,則其身心健康表現會愈差,並具有顯著預測力。 五、企業從業人員的社會支持愈高,則其身心健康表現會愈佳,並具有顯著預測力。 六、企業從業人員家人支持、同事支持與朋友支持的感受程度愈高,則其挑戰型工作壓力源對身心健康的負向影響會愈弱。 七、企業從業人員家人支持、同事支持與朋友支持的感受程度愈高,則其阻礙型工作壓力源對身心健康的負向影響會愈弱。


This study was to explore the relationship between work stress and mental health of enterprise employees in Taiwan, and to examine whether social support could moderate the relationship between work stress and mental health. This study employed “Work Stress Scale”, “Physical and Mental Health Scales of the OSI-Ⅱ” and “High-tech Employee’s Workplace Social Support Scale” for data collection, and 404 valid participants’ data were collected by using stratified random sampling. Work stress, social support, physical health, and mental health of the enterprise employees were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, linear regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The conclusions of this study were as follows: (1) Work stress perceived by the enterprise employees was above the middle level. (2) Social support perceived by the enterprise employees was above the middle level, in which friend support was the highest while superior support was the lowest. (3) The physical health and mental health of the enterprise employees were above the middle level. (4) The higher the employees perceived their challenge stress and hindrance stress, the lower their physical health and mental health were. Their perceptions of challenge stress and hindrance stress had significant predictive power on their physical health and mental health. (5) The higher the employees perceived their social support, the higher their physical health and mental health were. Their perceptions of social support had significant predictive power on their physical health and mental health. (6) Challenge stress might have less negative effects on employees’ physical health and mental health if their perceptions of family support, colleague support and friend support were high. (7) Hindrance stress might have less negative effects on employees’ physical health and mental health if their perceptions of family support, colleague support and friend support were high.




