  • 學位論文

台灣碳纖複合材料製品產業 經營策略之研究

The Research of Management Strategy for the Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


論文提要及內容 台灣碳纖複合材料發展相當早,也成為台灣工業化中的一項重要產業。特別在運動休閒用具領域的發展中,成為不可缺少的重要產業。在運動休閒用具領域中的某些產品也曾為台灣創下王國的美譽,像是早期的球拍王國到現在的自行車王國,其中每一個參與廠商的貢獻都是使得產業發展的重要力量,也使得台灣碳纖複材產業表現亮麗,成為國際上相當具有競爭力的產業。 近年來由於台灣經濟力的提升,勞力成本也相對的升高,加上國際化趨勢的影響,產業分工觀念的普世價值,使得台灣碳纖複材業紛紛的移往中國大陸以尋求低廉的勞力,在產業幾乎80%以上廠商外移的衝擊之下,台灣碳纖產業中企業所面臨的問題也擴大成為兩岸三地的經營管理課題。本研究採個案研究的方式,研究分析其中兩個成功個案,歸納出一些企業的經營策略,期望給其他產業中的企業一些參考與建議。 在台灣碳纖複材產業分析上,本研究併針對產業的現況進行分析,以「SWOT」分析來了解產業的優、劣勢、威脅與機會,並以「五力分析」來了解產業的競爭狀況,以期更深入的了解產業全貌。並且針對各案廠商以「策略型態」與「產業價值鏈」交叉形成的「策略矩陣」來分析廠商採行的事業策略,詳細的描述分析每一個「策略組合」所牽涉到「價值單元」。 本研究的發現,台灣碳纖複材產業廠商經營策略中,對於碳纖複材核心三大能力-料源、研發、生產與經營策略有著顯著相關。另外對於廠商投入跨領域產品的開發對於經營成效有顯著的相關。目前碳纖原料的供需失調,如何穩定來源是產業的重要課題。建議利用政府、產業界各廠商與台塑成立策略聯盟,取得台塑全產能的碳纖供應可使得供應穩定,並創造台灣碳纖複材產業的競爭優勢。


策略矩陣 碳纖


Abstract The development of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic(CFRP)has formed quite early and has also become one of the important industry in the industrialization of Taiwan. Particularly in the field of Leisure Appliances, the development has become an indispensable industry. Movement in the field of Leisure appliances, some products have won Taiwan's outstanding reputation such as the racket Kingdom of the earlier period to the present bicycle kingdom, which is the main force given by the participation of manufacturers contribution to promote industrial development. It has also built Taiwan in CFRP processing industry a brilliant performance to become fairly competitive industries internationally. In recent years due to the upgrade of Taiwan's economic strength, relatively the labor costs has risen a lot and coupled with the trend of internationalization in the impact of the tendency of the industrial division of labor, it forces the CFRP industry in Taiwan have moved to China seeking for cheaper labor, firms in this industry have more than 80% under such impact of the relocation. The common problems faced by Taiwanese enterprises in this industry have expanded to become management issues for “cross-strait three places”. This case study has researched an analysis for two successful cases summarized some of the operational strategy to other industries and expect giving some reference and suggestions. In analysis of Taiwanese CFRP industry, this research has also given the status of industry analysis, a "SWOT" matrix to understand the industry strengthens, weakness, opportunities and threats, and to "Five Force Analysis" to understand the state of competition in the industry, with a deeper understanding of the industrial landscape. It’s focused on the manufacturer’s analysis to " strategy posture" and "industries value chain" and cross-shapes "strategy matrix” to analyze what causes manufacturers to adopt strategies and detail description for analysis of each "portfolio strategy" involved in "value unit." The study found that the Taiwanese manufacturers business strategy in CFRP industry significantly related with the three core capabilities for carbon fiber-material sources, product research and development and production have been clearly relevant with business strategy. Additional product development for manufacturers to cut in has significantly related to operating results. Currently the supply and demand in carbon fiber raw materials are uneven, how the industry set up a stable carbon source is an important topic. We suggest the government, CFRP industry and the manufacturers to establish strategic alliances with Formosa Plastics, to have the most capacity from Formosa Plastics as a stable supply of carbon fiber to create Taiwan's CFRP industry competitiveness around the world.


Carbon Fiber Strategy Matrix


1、 Ansoff. H.I.(1957),”Strategies for Diversification”, Harvard Business Review.
2、Miles, Raymond E./Snow, Charles C.(1978), Organizational strategy, structure and process, McGraw-Hill


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