  • 學位論文


The Color Images and Color Preferences of Interior Space

指導教授 : 張謙允


我們的空間充滿了五彩繽紛的色彩,色彩不僅作用於人們的雙眼,更作用於人們的心理,使人們產生不同的色彩意象。室內設計工作者若要進行室內空間的色彩規劃,除主觀的分析色彩外,更需客觀的了解人們對空間色彩的意象,此色彩感覺涵括了色彩偏好與色彩調和等現象,同時也牽涉到了生、心理等學理。本研究期望能探索此複雜的意象感覺,借由多向度評量法進行調查,以導出潛藏於人腦的心理認知。其研究目的為掌握消費者對於不同配色空間之色彩意象與色彩偏好,以及研究性別、年齡、專業等不同族群之偏好差異性。 研究首先邀請專家們將合適之室內照片,依紅、橙、黃、綠、藍、紫主色系及同一、類似、對比、補色色相配色方式進行空間樣本分類,並從中篩選出17組空間配色樣本。然後,以意象投射訪談進行情感投射語彙之蒐集,經由歸納與分析,篩選出12組屬性形容詞對。運用MDPREF架構二向度偏好性空間,並歸納出5項空間配色偏好之屬性群集,同時分析出受測者較重視空間色彩的「明亮舒適」與「寬敞調和」之屬性意象。運用INDSCAL分析出二向度的認知空間架構「熱烈艷麗」-「柔和簡明」及「浪漫朝氣」-「樸實沉穩」。 經由PREFMAP分析發現,男女性別對室內空間配色意象,具有顯著的差異。在年齡層上,30歲以下之意象偏好無顯著差異,其餘各個年齡層皆有差異,而隨著教育程度的提高,各年齡層的偏好漸趨一致,然高收入族群仍維持其獨特的色彩偏好。就職業別而言,一般職業族群之偏好仍偏保守,具室內設計專業背景者,對於空間配色意象之偏好則具有較明顯的偏好差異性。 期望此研究成果,能做為空間設計規劃時的依循參考,以輔助設計工作者可以更客觀,且有效地掌握消費者的心理需求。


The world we live is full of all kinds of colors. Those rays of colors not only work on our eyes to form images, but also influence our emotion and perception to the images they form. For color planning of interior space, except for subjective color analysis, it is also necessary for interior designers to consider how these combinations of colors are perceived by customers. This perception may be affected by Color Images, Color Preferences or Color Harmony, and often involves the psychological aspect of color images. As an attempt to uncover the complex process of color perception, this research use multidimensional scaling method to analyze how color is interpreted and perceived by people, intending to induce the theory behind the color perception.The goal is to understand customer’s preference and perception to color images of interior space, and to identify their difference between different genders, ages and professions. In this research, experts are first invited to divide photographs of some interior space into six categories of color samples, including red,orange,yellow,green,blue and purple. These photographs are then further classified according to their color combinations, which include hue and identity, similarity, contrast and complementary, to form seventeen groups of color combinations of interior space. These samples of interior space color combinations are then presented to interviewers to collect their reflective phrases and vocabularies used to express their feeling and impression on the images. The collected results are then analyzed and categorized into twelve representative sets of adjectives of color attributes. By employing MDPREF analysis on the two-dimension spatial color preference, we concluded five adjective groups of spatial color attributes and found that most consumers prefer color attributes of ”bright and comfort“ and ”open and harmonic “. Furthermore, INDSCAL analysis on data samples also results in frameworks of two-dimension spatial recognition for color images of interior space, which are ” passionate and brillant“, “soft and succinct“, ”romantic and energetic “ and “plain and quiet“, respectively. The PREFMAP analysis shows that there exists remarkable discrepancy in the perception of spatial color combination between different genders. However, the same comparison among different age groups does not show obvious difference for those under age 30, while does exhibit considerable disagreement among other age groups. Nevertheless, the gaps shrink with higher levels of education. Besides, the high incomes group presents more peculiar color preference than others. In addition, for comparison between different occupations, the research results indicate that those with prefessions in interior design show stronger color preference, while others tend to be more conservative. With this research, we hope to provide interior designers a practical guideline in color planning and to assist them in meeting customers’ needs with a more objective and systematic way.


陳文麗(2002)。空間印象、生活型態與忠誠度關係之研究:以星巴克為例 。中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文。


