  • 學位論文


Accuracy Improvement and Control Parameter Tuning for A Toggle-type Micro Machine Tool

指導教授 : 黃健生


本研究針對新研發之肘節式精微工具機作機構設計改善,並針對肘節式機構之特性作控制參數調校之最佳化,以達到提升系統穩定性、定位精度、降低振動與工作效率。 研究中從三方面進行機台精度提升改善:(1)機構設計改善;(2)伺服控制系統參數調校與匹配最佳化;(3)誤差補償。具體研究方法上,採用雷射干涉儀、微位移計與研究室開發之影像系統對第一代肘節式精微工具機進行定位精度檢測,以瞭解機構設計上的缺失,並作機構設計改善。在控制參數調校研究上,則結合誤差分析與及伺服控制理論探討控制參數的特性,再據以作為控制參數調校的依據;同時也透過實驗分析法尋找適合不同肘節角度的最佳參數值,以及使用運動加速規與振動加速規量測機器在不同肘節角度下之加速度與振動之變化,據以調整控制器內的加減速時間參數,以達提升加工效率與抑制斷刀的目的。研究最後也進行實驗以驗証所提出的機構設計改善及參數調校的效益。


This study mainly focuses on accuracy improvement and stability enhancement for the first generation toggle-type micro machine tool through structure design and optimization of control parameters. Study was conducted in three aspects: (1) structure improvement; (2) tuning and optimal combination of control parameters; (3) error compensation. In the study, laser instrument and micro displacement sensors were used to measure and analyze positioning errors of the micro machine tool to understand the drawbacks of the original machine design. Improvement design was then conducted. Error analysis and servo control theory were employed to explore the tuning method of control parameters. Optimal combination of control parameters that give better control in full range of toggle angle was obtained by use of empirical method. In addition, acceleration and vibration were measured and analyzed for acceleration/ deceleration time constants tuning to enhance machining efficiency and prevent unexpected cutter broken. Finally, experiments were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed structure improvement and parameter tuning method.


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