  • 學位論文


Research on 98(99) Curriculum Design and Implementation for Teachers of Hospitality and Tourism in High Schools and Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 陳紫玲


98(99)課綱於九十九學年度正式實施,至今已施行第二個學年,本研究旨在瞭解高中、職餐旅群教師對現行課綱之實施現況與所遭遇之問題,希望能進一步尋求解決之道,以提供更適合學生的課程,並符合社會環境需求。本研究主要目的為:一、瞭解實施現況;二、瞭解實施後所遭遇之困難;三、探討教師不同個人背景變項對現行課綱看法之差異性;四、探討不同學校環境變項對現行課綱看法之差異性;五、針對現職餐旅群教師及學校提供具體建議。 為達上述研究目的,本研究係以文獻分析、深度訪談及問卷調查等研究方法。研究工具係以自編之「高中、職餐旅群教師對98(99)課綱課程規劃與實施現況之研究」進行深度訪談與問卷調查;研究對象為現職餐旅群專業科目教師。訪談分析以樣版式分析法(Template analysis)進行資料分析,問卷分析則採用統計軟體SPSS 19.0進行描述性及推論性統計分析,其中包括;次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及雪費事後比較(Scheffe method)等統計方法,分析歸納後並提出結論與建議。 根據研究結果分析,獲得以下結論:在實施現況與所遭遇之困難方面:一、整體課程設計之學分數比例適當;二、餐旅概論學分數不足;三、餐旅服務、飲料與調酒學分數合宜;四、升學比例高於就業比例;五、專題製作課程有許多執行的難處;六、對「務實致用」之教育目標質疑;七、餐旅概論內容偏「餐」或「旅」,不同科別教師意見歧異;八、餐旅英文與會話課程重視程度低;九、專業考科可再商討,規劃為更適合不同科別的組合;十、餐旅服務實習教室與設備規劃空間不足;十一、實習課程之分組教學實有必要,但難以落實;十二、使用語言視聽教室的機會不多;十三、共同科目(國、英、數)排課享有優先權;十四、宜增加教師專業進修研習機會;十五、餐旅英文與會話課程多數仍由英文科教師授課。在不同背景變項之教師對98(99)課綱課程規劃與實施現況大部分未呈現顯著差異,且對於各向度的平均值皆大於4.00,顯示教師具有正向的認同態度。最後根據結論,對教育主管機關、餐旅群科中心、學校、教師及後續研究者等,提出具體建議。


It has been two years since the 98(99) Curriculum was officially brought into practice in 99 school year. This research was intended to unveil current issues and difficulties for teachers that implemented 98(99) Curriculum in high schools & vocational high schools. The results of this research aimed to explore methods that offer courses which address both students’and social needs. The purposes of this research are: 1) to understand current issues; 2) to unveil the difficulties; 3) to explore differences based on individual factors; 4) to discuss difference s between school environments towards current curriculum; and 5) to provide suggestions for teachers and schools. To best elicit information regarding this research, several methods were utilized including literature review, interviews and questionnaire. “Research on 98(99) Curriculum Design and Implementation for teachers of Hospitality and Tourism in High Schools & Vocational High Schools” was used as research tool to conduct interviews and questionnaires. All participants were current high school and vocational high school teachers. “Template Analysis” was used to analyze interviews, and questionnaires were examined descriptively and deductively by SPSS 19.0 including Frequency distribution, percentage, Independent samples T test, One-Way ANOVA, and Sheffe method. The results suggest the following: 1) course credits distributed adequately; 2) insufficient credits showed in Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism; 3) scores appeared satisfactorily in Hospitality Service, Beverage and Mixology ; 4) exam-oriented education still surpassed career-driven education; 5) difficulties in implementing Thesis Proposal Writing Course; 6) suspicion in practicality; 7) disagreement from teachers on the course content of Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism (more emphasis on Hospitality than Tourism); 8) Hospitality English was neglected; 9) revisit program specific requirements and design two more appropriate subjects; 10) lack of workspace in the guided practice classroom and equipment shortage; 11) practical training requires a small group setting; however, it is difficult to implement; 12) insufficient use of language lab; 13) general requirements (Chinese, English, & Mathematics) should be the priority while planning courses; 14) increasing professional development opportunities; 15) Hospitality English and Conversation was mainly taught by English teachers. Considering individual factors, minimum variation was found towards 98(99) Curriculum Design and Implementation. Over 4.00 average in all areas, the results indicated that majority of the teachers agreed that it has a positive impact. Final results of this research will provide suggestions to Ministry of Education, The Center Of study area of Hospitality-Major Category, schools, teachers, and future researchers.


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