  • 學位論文


A study of fans traveling experience and experiential value analysis – A study case for Japanese idol-Ayumi Hamasaki

指導教授 : 沈進成


迷,是對文本認同的特定表現。以臺灣而言,與台灣距離相當接近的日本有許多流行文化、偶像文本傳入台灣,帶動了所謂的「哈日族」,一直到現在,台灣在迷文化的表現上,始終有一群所謂的「忠實粉絲」,願意付出時間與金錢,只為更接近偶像一些,這種迷驅動的行為表徵,背後隱含的是廣大的經濟效益,稱之為「迷經濟」。在迷經濟當中旅遊能否分一杯羹?在粉絲至國外追隨偶像的旅程中,可否結合體驗成為一種新型態的旅遊產品? 目前國內外將粉絲與旅遊結合之研究較少,本文旨為整理迷程度的衡量指標,粉絲對於迷旅遊體驗的重要性分析、參與意願分析,以及迷旅遊體驗的體驗價值分析。以臺灣濱崎步歌迷為對象,採用網路問卷,共回收137份問卷。運用描述性統計法、信度分析法、集群分析、獨立樣本t檢定、典型相關分析法來進行資料分析。 研究結果發現:1.迷程度衡量指標以令人愉悅的特質、外表吸引力、偶像能力的平均數為前三高。2.集群分析結果證實,高程度迷針對旅遊體驗內容重要性與參與意願各項指標皆高於低程度迷。3.不分群之迷旅遊體驗在重要性及參與意願上,以偶像握手簽名會、樂的感官體驗、育的感官體驗為前三高,可作為迷旅遊核心要素。4.高低程度迷分群達顯著差異者,以行的感官體驗、造型設計課程、MV舞步課程為前三高,可作為市場區隔產品設計之依據。5.透過典型相關分析,迷認同、迷模仿、迷行為與感官體驗、思考體驗兩者最有關係。


Fans, is a specific performance of the text identical. Take Taiwan for example, there are many pop culture and idol text identical flown to Taiwan from Japan, bringing the so-called "Japanification". Until now on, not just "Japanification" is still exist, the performance of the fans culture in Taiwan shows that there are always a group of so-called "true fans " who are willing to spend time and money for closer to there idols. The tremendous economic benefit which hidden behind those fan-driven behavior characterization is called "Fans Economy". May the traveling industry share those benefits during the “Fans Economy”? Is it possible to combine the experiential into a new type of tourism products while fans follow their Idol to abroad? There are few studies about the combination with fans and traveling, this study aims to conclude the measurement method for the fans degree and analysis for the fans of the importance of tourism experiential, the willingness to participate and experiential value of fans traveling experiential.Setting Ayumi Hamasaki’s fans in Taiwan as the target, using the internet questionnaires and 137 questionnaires were returned. The methods which used to analyze the data are as followed: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, independent sample T test, and canonical correlation analysis. The results showed that, 1. The top three highest degrees for fans measurement are pleasant nature, physical attractiveness, and ability. 2. Cluster analysis confirmed the high-level fans have the higher degree of importance for the content of tourist experiential and attending willingness than the low-level fans. 3. Regardless of fans level, traveling experiential of fans attending the idol’s shake hands session, entertained sensory experience, educated sensory experience reached the top three high in both importance and attending willingness, which could be used as the core elements of fans travel. 4. High and low degree of clustering were significant differences in the line of sensory experience, design courses, MV dance curriculum for the top three high, which could be used as the basis for product design and market segmentation. 5. Through the used of canonical correlation analysis, fans identity, fans imitation, and fans behavior have the most relations with sensory and thinking experience.


