  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳雪雲博士


摘 要 本研究目的在探討桃園縣國民小學新聞公關人員角色認知與媒體關係之關聯性,並瞭解國民小學新聞公關實務運作狀況、組織編制以及現階段所面臨到的困境。根據研究結果提出結論與建議,作為相關單位在推動學校新聞公關工作及建立良好媒體關係的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以全桃園縣185所國民小學之新聞公關負責人及發言人為研究對象。透過立意取樣的方式,共發出370份問卷,回收取得有效樣本309份,有效回收率83.5% (309/370)。 歸納本研究之結果,主要有以下幾項結論與發現: 一、目前桃園縣各國民小學,因組織編制及業務繁重,仍有72.5%尚未設置新聞公關部門或推動小組,訂有新聞公關工作計畫者不到一成,但有85.8%設置新聞發言人,新聞公關業務多數由校內危機事件處理小組之召集人(校長)或發言人(處室主任)以任務編組的方式兼辦。 二、桃園縣國民小學的新聞公關人員以男性居多;年齡層集中於31~50歲;教育程度以擁有研究所以上學歷者佔多數;原任職位為校長主任者將近九成;絕大多數非新聞相關科系畢業;僅43.7%曾接受過短期新聞傳播知能研習;新聞公關年資在二年以下者佔65%。 三、學校公共關係的概念,尚屬萌芽的階段,各校在媒體公關的推動上多持保留態度,對於新聞公關推動成效滿意者,低於三成。學校傳送新聞訊息的媒體以報紙居多,一年內獲得媒體報導1至2次居多。由此可見,學校新聞公關的功能與發展仍有許多努力的空間。 四、新聞公關人員主要工作困境,在於本身新聞專業不足、工作繁忙、不知如何與記者打交道。希望獲得協助事項,以上級辦理新聞公關專業知能研習、增加公關經費與人員編制、同仁工作上的協助及給予適當獎勵居多。 五、國民小學新聞公關人員角色認知程度與媒體關係呈顯著正相關。角色認知程度愈高,其與新聞界接觸態度愈主動;角色認知程度愈高,其與新聞記者同化程度愈高。 六、國民小學新聞公關人員之角色認知程度對媒體關係具有顯著預測力。 依據以上結論與發現,本研究建議事項如下: 一、教育行政主管機關應制定相關規範,將學校新聞公關工作制度化,並定期辦理新聞公關業務研習,增進新聞公關人員工作知能。 二、健全學校公關制度。制定新聞公關工作計畫;成立新聞公關推動小組,統籌規劃推行相關業務,加強宣導全員公共關係理念;提供新聞公關人員協助與獎勵;建立媒體記者的連絡名冊,媒體公關成效應該進行評估。 三、新聞公關人員應積極參加業務研習或自我進修,提升新聞公關專業知能,和媒體記者保持長期友好的互動關係。 四、未來的研究可增加其他研究變項,合併採用其他研究方法,擴大研究對象與範圍。 關鍵字:學校公共關係、學校新聞公關人員、角色認知、媒體關係


A Study of News Publicists' Role Cognition and Media Relations of Primary School in Taoyuan County Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to explore the primary school public relations practitioners’ role cognition and their media relation in the primary schools of Taoyuan County. Furthermore, their practice on the daily basis and the difficulty faced with are elucidated. The questionnaire was issued to 185 primary schools with a sample of 370 public relations practitioners in Taoyuan County in September 2007 and 309 were complete. The major findings of this research are as follows: (1) More than 72.5% out of 185 primary schools in Taoyuan County didn’t set up the department of public relations or impetus group at present. Less than 10% of the schools have constituted public relation work plan, but 85.8% have news spokesman. Most of the public relation affairs in the School are served concurrently by the crisis management convener (Head of School) or addresser (Director of studies or students) (2) Most of school public relations practitioners are male teachers; age from 31 to 50. They have a master degree and near 90% is school principal or director. Journalism was not their major, only 43.7% attended short term workshops about the practice of journalism and public relations. Moreover, 65% of practitioners are taking office for two years. (3) The school public relations are still on the initial stage, and each school hold a conservative attitude toward advancing media public relations. More than 70% are dissatisfied with the practice of public relations. Schools often release the information through the newspaper; nevertheless the reportage is only one or twice a year. (4) The practitioner faces with a lack of knowledge and skill in dealing with the news media in general and journalist in particular. Also, they are busy in doing school business. They hope that the government can increase budget, and offer the PR workshops, even offer the rewards. (5) The study hypothesis is accepted that the practitioners’ role cognition and media relation has a positive correlation. Put it differently, if the role cognition score higher, the practitioners play an active role in association with journalists. (6) The study shows that the role cognition is the best predictor of the media relation. Based on this, some suggestions are as follows: (1) The educational authority should establish the norm, and launch training program for the school PR practitioners. (2) Kept schools public relations in sound system, for example, evaluate the fruitage of schools public relations and offer the practitioner with help and awards, keeping the name list of journalists, and so on. (3) Encourage the practitioners learning professional knowledge and skill, and working as a team. (4) The suggestions for the future research include add new variables for theory building, or conduct case study for elucidation of outstanding school PR, etc. Keywords:school public relations practitioners, role cognition, media relation


張明輝 (2002)。企業管理理論在學校經營與管理的應用。教師天地,120,28-36。


