  • 學位論文


A study of correlation between college students' club experience and their potential competence of employability

指導教授 : 張雪梅


本研究旨在探討大學生社團經驗及其與就業力之關係。本研究除了瞭解大學生社團經驗、就業力現況外;亦分析比較不同背景變項之大學生社團經驗、就業力面向,與不同社團參與經驗大學生之就業力面向;並再進一步探討大學生社團學習經驗與就業力之間的關係;最後探究不同背景變項、社團經驗對大學生就業力的預測力。研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具為參考相關研究、資料編製之問卷,運用項目分析驗證信度,進行專家評定內容效度。問卷內容分為三個部分,第一部分為「個人基本資料」;第二部分為「社團經驗部份」;第三部分為自認具備之「就業力部份」。研究樣本以97學年第一學期臺北縣市八所大學參與社團之大學生為研究對象,問卷共發出920份,回收775份,有效問卷759份。所得資料以SPSS 12.0中文版進行描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、與逐步多元迴歸等統計方法分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、參與社團大學生接近「同意」參與社團有助於提升社團學習經驗。 二、參與「服務性」、「學術性」社團大學生其自認具備就業力顯著高於沒有參與之大學生。 三、參與社團大學生認為自己具備接近「充足」之就業力。 四、不同性別、年級、就讀學院、每週打工時數、實習經驗、住宿狀況、家庭社經地位之大學社團學生其社團經驗有差異。 五、不同性別、年級、就讀興趣、每週打工時數、實習經驗、住宿狀況之大學社團學生其就業力面向有差異。 六、不同社團參與數量、社團參與屬性、社團參與時間、擔任最高職務、每週參與時數、社團投入程度之大學社團學生其就業力面向有差異。 七、社團學習經驗之技能學習、人際關係、領導能力、自我實現與各種就業力間呈現顯著低度正相關。 八、社團學習經驗中之「領導能力」對就業力有最大解釋力。 本研究依據研究結論,提出對學生、學校相關單位、教育行政單位、與後續研究之建議,以作為參與社團學生提升就業力之參考。


This study aims to explore and understand the relationship between college students’ club experiences and their competence of employability after graduation. The author discusses the effects of different background variables on club experience, employability, and employability of different club joining experience. In addition, the present study probes the relationship between the club learning experience and employability. The predictability of the employability is drawn from an analysis based on the background variables, and club experience. There are three parts in the questionnaire of the present study. The first part is personal information. The second one is club experience. The third one is college students’ self evaluation of competence of employability. Data are collected from 775 college students participating club activities in Taipei city and county while usable data are only from 759 students among these participants. Statistical analysis is conducted by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, SPSS Base 12.0 for Windows. The statistical methods include descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation and stepwise regression.The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.College students participating in clubs nearly agree that participation in clubs enhances club learning experiences through involving in clubs. 2.College students participating in “Service”, “Academic” property of club think they have significant higher competence of employability than those participating in no clubs. 3.College students involving in clubs think that they have obtained almost enough competence of employability. 4.Students with different gender, grade level, departments, weekly working hours of part-time job, experience of intern, accommodation circumstances, family socioeconomic status and other background variables will have different club experiences. 5.Students’ gender, grade, interest, weekly working hours of part-time job, experience of intern, accommodation circumstances, and other background variables will affect the aspects of competence for employability. 6.College students’ different competence for employability results from the number of different clubs involved, club participation in property, club participation in time allotment, as the highest positions, weekly hours to participate, club involvement, and so on. 7.Clubs learning experience of learning the psycho-motor skills, interpersonal relationships, leadership and self realization have a significant low positive correlation with each other. 8.Among club learning experiences, leadership plays the major role of explanation for competence of employability. Therefore, we provide some concrete suggestions based on the findings above for college students, school-related organizations, and the organizations of educational administration. Moreover, the study sheds new lights on further researches in terms of enhancing competence of employability for college students joining in clubs.




