  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳秀蓉


論文摘要 本研究之目的在深入探究已婚或離婚女性校長在面對工作與家庭的衝突時,如何進行抉擇、轉換與調適,以取得衝突間的平衡。本研究之核心問題為:1. 探討女性校長在多元工作及家庭生活上之感受與因應。2. 了解女性校長家人對其工作角色與家庭角色的支持度與期許。3. 探討女性校長面對工作與家庭角色衝突之抉擇、轉換與調適。4. 探究女性校長之工作角色對家庭關係之影響。5. 了解女性校長在工作角色與家庭角色之反思與回顧。 本研究係採質性研究方法,以半結構開放性問題導向方式,選擇5位女性校長,4位已婚、1位離婚進行深度訪談,並以「主題分析」進行文本統整與論述。資料分析經由錄音謄稿、編碼後,研究依受訪者之文本資料以「女性校長面對多元工作角色的因應」、「女性校長家人的支持與互動情形」、「女性校長家庭生活之期許」、「女性校長面對工作與家庭角色衝突之抉擇、轉換與調適」、「女性校長對目前的婚姻狀況滿意度」及「女性校長在工作與家庭中之反思與回顧」等六主題進行整合分析,了解女性校長的工作與家庭生活之樣貌,在工作與家庭之間所發生之衝突解決的要素、轉換與調適的關鍵、對其婚姻關係產生的正向或負向之影響,以及對工作與家庭角色之反思與回顧。 結果發現,5位校長皆以積極主動方式在自我工作與家庭之間做平衡調適,以避免工作對家庭或婚姻的影響。而調適過程中研究者進一步發現若女性校長欲使「工作與家庭間角色平衡」須從個人的工作內涵掌握度、個我價值、工作價值、家庭觀念價值、自我能力、角色分化轉換、調適方式、家庭衝突的處理等八個向度去了解。而取得平衡的條件包括: 1. 家人的支持且配合度高,工作與家庭間之壓力較小。2. 以專業領導工作團隊,尊重法規體制,增進工作效能,降低時間之壓力,進而取得工作的成就,也可兼顧家庭。3. 選擇性的以妥協、溫柔、順從、關懷及尊重之態度互動,以維護良好婚姻關係。4. 家務分工採平等分工及志願分工之家庭,女性校長生活滿意度較高。若先生能補位替代家事,生活滿意度會更高。5. 當工作與家庭角色發生衝突時,應評估優先順序,調整角色期待。6. 調整心情轉換角色,以同理尊重心態,承諾對家庭之責任來面對衝突,期使家庭婚姻之和諧。7. 兼顧事業與家庭,婚姻是須用心經營的,互相尊重、信任與溝通是很重要的態度。 最後,研究亦提供給現職在校的女性領導者如校長、儲備校長或主任等職務者在工作與婚姻間調適的建議;也可提供教育主管機關在推動教育政策時,關注女性校長心理、工作調適與性別平等的相關議題,加入在職能研習或身心適應的注重上;此結果亦可做為未來相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the junior high school of the female principal when they engaged in their work and family conflicts how they decide, transform and adjust those conflicts with balance when they are then under a marriage or divoce . The core issues of this study were: 1.exploring the feelings and coping strategies of the female principal under multiple roles of work and family life; 2. the female principal involving in both role of work and family and what are the expecting and supporting from their family members; 3.discussing the choice, transformation and adjustment in facing work and family conflicts of the female principal; 4. exploring the role of principal whether will influence their family relationship or not; 5.Understanding the important of reflection and retrospection of the female principal with their multiple roles. This study used qualitative research and interviewing strategy was conducted by using semi-structural open questions. Our participants were five female principal, four married and one divorced, After data collection the procedure of coding, categorizing and integrating analysis were performed by researcher. After information analyzing, this study choose six themes to understand the adjustment of the female principal, including: “ the regulation of the female principal when faced multiple functions in the work”, “what are the supportting and interacting from family”, “The expecting in the life of the female principal”, “The choice, transformation and adjustment in facing work and family conflicts of the female principal”, “The satisfaction of marital status of the female principal”, “The reflection and retrospection of female principal in the work and family”. Those themes can help us understand the status in the work and family life of the female principal and the key of resolutions of work and family problems and comprehend the positive or negative interaction of the role of principal in the marriage and hers reflection and review in the work and family. The results of this study were if five principals adjusted their work and family conflicts with proactive coping and could regain new family and marriage relations. If female principal wanted to balance the role of work and family, she had to understand eight angles, including in personal work content with knowing well, self value, work value, family value, self ability, the transform of the role between work and family, the adjustment and dealing with family conflicts. To obtain the conditions of balance with work and family of the principal included: 1.more family’s support and high cooperation less pressure; 2. own a professional in the school team who understand the law and rule to assist and advance the performance of work and achieve the accomplishment both in the work and take care family; 3.to maintain the good marital status, could by using compromise, tender, compliance, caring or respect with husband in flexibility; 4.if her family could equal and volunteer for division of labor especially her husband, she might feel higher satisfaction with her life; 5.she must assess priorities and modulate the expecting of the role while having conflicts with work and family; 6.she had to adjust the attitude and respect with empathy to solving family problems for advancing harmony in family and marriage; 7. if she like to look after both work and family she must mutually respect by heart, trust in and openly communicating with her husband. Finally, this study suggested to female leader who serving like principal, principal of ready for use or director to adjust work and family and offered the education authority to consider to the mentality, work adjustment and gender equality of female principal to add vocational training or health mental promating courses when they droved the education policy. Wish this study could be referenced for relating research in the future.


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