  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effectiveness of Oral Health Education Intervention Among the Secondary School Students

指導教授 : 胡益進


本研究之目的在於探討發展「口腔衛生互動式教材」進行教育介入後,對國中一年級學生的口腔衛生知識、態度、自我效能、重要他人對口腔衛生的態度以及口腔衛生習慣的影響。 本研究採準實驗設計之『實驗組對照組前後測設計』,以立意選取的學校作為實驗分組的依據。實驗組學生接受口腔衛生教育介入方案,而對照組則不接受此介入。前測在介入活動前施測,介入時間約為兩週,後測與教學成效問卷則於介入後隨即進行,後後測與於介入後二個月進行。 本研究發現接受口腔衛生教學介入的實驗組學生,口腔衛生知識在立即及延宕效果均有顯著提升,而其餘態度、自我效能、重要他人對口腔衛生的態度以及習慣方面,並未有顯著效果。整體而言,實驗組學生對於口腔衛生光碟設計及自學手冊的看法,有六成以上同意此教學媒體能幫助他們瞭解口腔衛生相關知識,以及警覺到口腔衛生的問題。在互動式光碟內容的幫助程度方面,實驗組學生有五成以上的比例,認為是有幫助的。而教學媒體化部分,學生表達中立意見居多。本研究結果可作為未來發展口腔衛生教育教學課程的參考,建議未來研究者可搭配健康行為科學理論與策略的運用,強化「口腔衛生態度」、「口腔衛生自我效能」、「重要他人對口腔衛生的態度」以及「口腔衛生習慣」,並整合社區與學校教師力量,以發展出更多元的口腔衛生教育介入方案。


The purpose of this study is to develop an involvement program through educational channel at “interactive oral health education teaching materials” and to determine the effectiveness and subjects’ acceptance of the intervention of Interactive teaching materials focusing on oral health. The study employed quasi-experimental method-- 『pretest-posttest control group study design』. The 7th degree students from senior high schools were selected as the study subjects. The students in the experimental group received an involvement program focusing on oral health for two-week program. On the contrary, the students in the control group received no intervention. The instruments included pre/post/delayed-post test questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the teaching materials. 1. It was found that the intervention significantly increase the subjects' oral health knowledge in terms of immediate effect and delay effects. In this aspect, the performance among the subjects in the experimental group was better than their counter parts. IV 2. The intervention didn't have incremental influence on the subjects' attitude ,self efficiency ,habits and the attitude of significant others toward oral health promotion. 3. More than 50% students of the experimental group expressed that they acquired much more knowledge and felt satisfaction through the learning processes. Based on the study, we suggest that a interactive oral health education program can be developed to apply Health behavior science. Schools must build enough sink, and involve parents and teachers in oral health promotion program to enhance protective factors of caries and periodontal disease.


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