  • 學位論文


No More Substitution: A Narrative Study on Female Elementary School Substitute Teachers' Career Transition

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究目的在於瞭解女性國小代理代課教師生涯抉擇與轉換經驗,並探討其在生涯轉換過程中之調適歷程,最後則瞭解生涯轉換經驗對其個人的影響與意義。研究過程以立意取樣方式選取五位研究參與者進行半結構式深度訪談,再以敘說方法中的「整體─內容」形式對訪談結果進行資料分析。研究發現如下: 一、女性代理代課教師生涯抉擇與轉換之經驗為: (1)不同身分背景之女性代理代課教師選擇進入教育領域的初衷及 決 定繼續代理代課的考量並不相同。 (2)促成女性代理代課教師決定轉換生涯的契機主要來自於:教甄 挫敗引發對自我能力的懷疑、代理代課的不穩定特性不利個人 生涯規劃、基本生存需求未能滿足、父母及伴侶的意見、教師 甄選制度不公平、同工不同酬的差別待遇與難以維持穩定的人 際關係。 (3)轉換生涯時,女性代理代課教師在考量自己之外,也希望能兼 顧其他系統,穩定而安穩的生活是她們所追求的生活目標。而 轉換的過程中,雖然有較自由的性別態度,也逐漸提升其自主 性,但傳統對於女性能兼顧工作與家庭的性別期待仍舊對其抉 擇帶來影響。 二、五位女性代理代課教師的生涯抉擇型態多傾向且走且看、隨順因 緣的決策風格;轉換生涯之後,部分研究參與者會轉而以較為積 極的態度為其個人之未來生涯預作準備。 三、女性代理代課教師在生涯轉換中所遭遇之困境與挑戰的內涵有: (1)個人的訓練背景與其具備的資歷條件對生涯轉換帶來影響; (2)對未來的不確定感到不安或猶疑;(3)不同的職場文化會對其 帶來衝擊;(4)陌生的工作內容和型態對其會有所考驗。 四、女性代理代課教師對困境與挑戰的因應與調適之個人資源包含有 :(1)以既有經驗為基礎,再漸進的移動生涯;(2)吸取他人提供 的訊息,採取相應的行動;(3)個人正向特質有助於其做生涯轉 換;(4)將過去經歷轉移至新的工作領域,並順應情勢做出改 變;(5)主動尋找內外在資源來提升個人的主客觀價值。 五、生涯轉換經驗對五位女性代理代課教師的影響與意義為:(1)促 進自我了解,轉化自我概念;(2)調整正向態度,並肯定個人過 往的生涯資產;(3)改變職場人際互動的方式;(4)提升女性代理 代課教師生涯選擇的機會與機動性;(5)逐漸明確的生命藍圖。 本研究根據上述的研究結果做進一步的討論,並針對學校教育與政府政策、諮商實務工作以及代理代課教師提供建議。最後依據研究過程與結果發現,對未來之研究方向提出建議。


The purposes of this research are to understand the female elementary school substitute teachers’ decision on changing career and their career changing experience, to explore their adjustment process during career changing, and to comprehend the impacts and meaning of the career changing experience on their personal life. In this study, the researcher has applied semi-structural in-depth interviews to five participants who had been chosen via a purposeful sampling method, and then the researcher has analyzed the data with the “Holistic-Content” method in this narrative research. The major findings of this research are as the following: 1. The female substitute teachers’ experiences on decision making and changing career are: i. The original intentions to enter the educational field and the considerations to remain substituting among female substitute teachers with different backgrounds are different. ii. The reasons causing the female substitute teachers to decide to change career are mainly from: doubts on one’s own capabilities due to failing the teacher’s audition, disadvantages in personal career planning because of the unstable attribute of the substitute teacher, the discontentment to fulfill the daily bread, comments from parents and spouse, unfairness in the teacher’s audition system, unequal pay for equal work, and difficulty in maintaining stable relationships with others. iii. While changing career, the female substitute teachers not only have to take care of themselves but also hope to take care of other situations into considerations. A stable and comfort life is the life goal they pursue. During the transition in career changing, although the society has become more open on the gender attitude and females have gradually become self-independent, the sexism in tradition requesting females being able to take care of family and work at the same time still influences females on decision-making. 2. The type of career decision making in these five female substitute teachers inclines to the style of “wait and see” and “go with the flow”. After changing the career, some of the participants have become more aggressive in preparing their personal future lives. 3.The difficulties and challenges the female substitute teachers have encountered during career changing are: (1)Having impacts on career changing from personal training backgrounds and working experiences; (2)Feeling doubts or hesitation toward the uncertainties of the future; (3)Getting impacts from different occupational cultures; and (4)Being tested by the unfamiliar work scopes and types. 4. The personal adapting and adjusting resources that female substitute teachers contain while encountering predicaments and challenges include: (1)Using past experiences as the basis then gradually changing career; (2)Adopting the information provided by others and acting correspondently; (3)Being helpful in career change with personal positive characteristics; (4)Transferring the past experience to the new work field and making the suitable adjustments coping with the environmental change; and (5)Searching actively for both internal and external resources to promote personal subjective and objective values. 5. The influences and meanings in career changing experiences on the female substitute teachers are: (1)Promoting self understanding and transforming personal beliefs; (2)Adjusting to a positive attitude and affirming the values of personal past career experiences; (3)Changing the interactional behaviors with others in the work place; (4)Increasing the career choosing opportunity and mobility of the female substitute teachers; and (5)Becoming clear in career planning. The above-mentioned study results in thorough discussions in this research. In addition, suggestions on the school education, government policies, counseling practice, and substitute teachers are provided. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions on the direction for the future research are also proposed.


Female Substitute Teacher Career Transition




