  • 學位論文


The Effects of Direct Instruction Model on Skills Learning for Special Education Class Students in Vocational High Schools--A Case of Automobile Beauty Curriculum

指導教授 : 李景峰


中文摘要 本研究主要目的是在探討直接教學法對高職特教班學生在汽車美容技能之學習成效。研究對象為國立三重商工綜合職能科二年級甲、乙班學生,計30名,採原班級型態進行不等組之準實驗設計,教學實驗流程共計十週,並於第一週、第六週、及第十週,以自編之汽車美容成就測驗進行三次的評量,其評量結果分別作為前測、後測、及維持情形之成績,再將三次之評量成績進行統計分析,以進一步探討實驗教學後學生之學習成效。 根據教學實驗的結果,本研究獲致三項主要結論:一、實驗組學生介入直接教學法後在汽車美容之學習成效有顯著的增進;二、直接教學法對特教班學生在汽車美容的學習成效優於傳統教學法;三、直接教學法對特教班學生在汽車美容的學習成效的維持情形優於傳統教學法。 最後,本研究對高職特教班職業技能的教學提出二項建議: 一、在教材設計方面 利用工作分析法及編序方式來設計教材,可使教材系統化、組織化、具體化、及簡單化,以促進特教班學生職業技能之學習。 二、在教學策略方面 1.適量的教學內容。 2.重視訓練及不斷重覆。 3.從給予適當提示到慢慢不給予提示。 4.適量的認知與情意教學。


Abstract This study is to discuss the effects of Direct Instruction Model on skills learning for special education class students in vocational senior high schools-a case of automobile beauty curriculum. The experimental subjects are the students of special education class of National Sang-chung Commercial and Technical Vocational Senior High School, Class 201 and 202, totally 30 students. The experiment was taken in 10 weeks. The researcher took 3 evaluations at the 1st, 6th, and 10th week, respectively. The evaluations include pre-test, post-test, and the maintenance test . The results of the evaluations were analyzed by Statistic Analysis System to discuss the learning effects of the students taught by "experimental teaching". According to the experiment results, there are three conclusions as follows: 1. "Direct Instruction" could increase the learning effects of the experimental class students' auto beauty skill. 2. By "Direct Instruction," the students got better learning effects than the "traditional teaching" did. 3. By "Direct Instruction," the students' learning effects maintained longer than the "traditional teaching" did. The researcher proposes two recommendations to the teaching methods in developing special education students' vocational skills. 1. Teaching Materials Use task analysis and programming instruction in order to design the teaching materials, which make the teaching materials more organizable, systematic, realistic and simplistic. Such materials can increase the students' vocational skills. 2. Teaching strategies (1) to select the appropriate teaching contents. (2) to emphasize the Training and practice drill. (3) give to provide proper hints, step by step, till the students can do it by themselves without any hint. (4) to choose appropriate Cognitive education and Affective education.


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