  • 學位論文


A Study of Party Realignment in Taiwan: From 1977 to 2005

指導教授 : 曲兆祥


論文摘要:二OO四年八月二十三日,立法院首度提出有關「國會改革」之憲法修正案,經過半年的公告後,修憲案送至國民大會進行複決。雖然對於修憲案的內容各界一直存有爭議,但隔年的六月七日,修憲案仍順利經任務型國民大會複決通過,決議自第七屆立法委員起席次減半為一一三席,而選制則將改為「單一選區兩票制」。依照各國經驗看來,此次國會制度重大改革後,將可以預期我國政黨政治將結束目前的「多黨制」,並朝著穩定之「兩黨制」方向發展。 自二OOO年親民黨、台灣團結聯盟先後成立,並與已有多年發展之民進黨、國民黨於幾次大型選舉中分庭抗禮以來,「政黨重組」此一新興議題即為國內學者專家所重視。本論文歸納出影響我國「政黨重組」現象之因素,包括選民政黨意識的形成、制度因素、統獨意識形態的分歧、政黨結盟與各政黨的利益考量。本論文有以下三個工作︰首先,依照我國政黨政治發展歷程將我國政黨重組發展分為「一九八六年到一九九三年的第一次政黨重組」、「一九九三年到二OOO年的第二次政黨重組」,以及「二OOO年迄今的第三次政黨重組」三個時期;其次,討論三個政黨重組時期的時空背景與發生原因,並依V. O. Key的政黨重組理論對前後各次的政黨重組現象加以檢討證明;第三,即是觀察二OO四年以後所發生的各種可能影響我國政黨重組之現象。本文的最後,則將對我國政黨重組作一整體評估,並對未來研究者提供一些建議。


Abstract:On August 23, 2004, the Legislative Yuan first submitted Constitution amendments about “Congress Reform.” After it has been proclaimed for half a year, Constitution Amendment was sent to the National Assembly for Referendum. Although there are debates upon Amendment, it was still passed on June, 2005. From the 7th Election of Legislators, the number of seats in the Legislative Yuan is reduced from current 225 to 113, and the electoral system is changed into a “single-member district, two-vote” electoral system. According to the experience of other countries practice “single-member district, two-vote” electoral system, according to Duverger’s Law, the party system of Taiwan can be expected to change from Multiple Party System into Two-Party System. After People First Party and Taiwan Solidarity Union were established one after another and compete equal terms with DDP and KMT in elections, “Party Realignment” becomes an emerging subject for discussion and is valued by the domestic scholars and experts. This thesis examines the reasons that affect the party realignment of R.O.C., such as party-consciousness of voters, the system, the diverge of unification-independence ideology, party coalitions and party benefit-consider. There are three points in this thesis. First, this thesis divides party realignment of R.O.C. into three periods in accordance with the development of party system. Second, we discuss the background and reasons of three realignment periods, and examine them according to party realignment theory presented by V.O.Key. Third, we observe every phenomenon that will effect future party realignment after 2004. At last, the author will make a whole evaluation to party realignment of R.O.C., and bring up some advises to future researchers.


