  • 學位論文


The Study on the Shinto Shrines in the Aboriginal Region of Formosa during the Japanese Ruling Period—Focusing on the Taihoku Prefecture

指導教授 : 蔡錦堂


本論文主要係透過文獻史料、田野調查和口述訪談,探討日治時期臺北州下不置街庄之蕃地裡所建設的蕃地神祠,並發掘未被臺灣總督府官方記載的蕃地神祠。除了了解其建設和營運維持的過程,也依據日治時期之期刊所揭露的「一監視區一社(一箇所)」主義來檢證臺北州下蕃地神祠的分佈情況。本文首先釐清何謂蕃地與何謂神社?再整理史料論述蕃地神社建設的法令依據;接著蒐集臺灣總督府文教局社會課刊行的《臺灣に於ける神社及宗教》所記載之臺北州下的蕃地裡臺灣總督府認可之東澳祠(タンオウ祠)、シキクン祠(四季祠)、ウライ祠(烏來祠)、カンケイ祠(寒溪祠)、濁水祠、南澳祠等六個神祠的有關基本資料和鎮座時的景況,除此之外從蒐集整理之期刊資料中,得知臺北州下蕃地沒有建設臺灣總督府公認的神社和遙拜所,但是有建設ショウラ(松羅)祠和ボンボン(梵梵)祠兩個校內社;除了實地踏查神祠遺跡地,也以口述訪談證實臺北州下在明治時期日本人進入南澳山區後即建立了四個無願神祠,還有日治末期有建設一個リヨヘン(流興)祠和一個未完工的大濁水祠。 本文並深入研究「樞要地」建設神祠的意義,且探討臺北州下之蕃地神社是如何建立和分佈。基本上臺北州下的蕃地神社以「一監視區一社(一箇所)」主義來控制數量,避免陷於濫立粗糙之弊;又蒐集史料了解監視區的法令來源依據,了解臺北州下有七個監視區,以及這六個祠和兩個校內社又是如何被建設和分佈在監視區內。最後研究結果顯示,基本上每一個監視區都有一個祠,但是仍然有三個例外:「松羅監視區」沒有建立祠,但是有兩個校內社大麻奉齋殿;「南澳監視區」裡有東澳祠、南澳祠兩個,以南澳祠作為全南澳分室的信仰中心;「金洋監視區」沒有建立祠;更進一步從史料了解第一個被建立之東澳祠的獨特性。


The thesis mainly discusses the Shinto Shrines established in the Aboriginal Region of the Taihoku Prefecture, Formosa during the Japanese Ruling Period according to the historical materials and by means of the field investigations and oral interviews, then finds out the Undocumented Shrines that had not been officially recorded by the Taiwan Governor-General’s Office. Besides, we would like to understand the processes of the establishment and operation of the Shinto Shrines, and then to further verify and demonstrate the real distributions of Shinto Shrines in the Aboriginal Region of the Taihoku Prefecture according to the One Surveillance Area-One Shrine Principle disclosed by the Periodicals published in the Japanese Ruling Period. Firstly, we clarify the meaning of the Aboriginal Region and what the Shinto Shrines are, and then discuss and understand the fundamental regulations and provisions for the establishment of the Shinto Shrines. Furthermore, we collect the basic materials of the Shinto Shrines and real situations of honoring the Gods in the worship places recorded by the official publications “The Shinto Shrines and Religion in Formosa”, which were approved by the Taiwan Governor-General’s Office as follows: Tang-ou Shrine, Sikikun Shrine, U-rai Shrine, Kankei Shrine, Dakusui Shrine and Nan-ou Shrine. By surveying the periodicals published during the Japanese colonial period, we found that there was no Shinto Shrine and Place of Remote Worship built in the Taihoku Prefecture that had been officially approved by the Taiwan Governor-General’s Office, and then found out two School Shrines that were attributed to the Tai-ma Worship House: Shyou-ra Shrine and Bob-Bon Shrine. We further investigated the relics sites of these Shinto Shrines and made oral interviews with the superiors of indigenous tribes, demonstrating that four Undocumented Shrines were built soon after the Japanese policemen and military forces entered into the dwelling areas of Nan-ou tribes during the Mei-Ji Period of Japanese ruling. And finally we also found one Ryohen Shrine established and the unfinished Dai-Dakusui Shrine by the end of the Japanese Ruling Period. We also researched the exact meanings of establishing these Shrines in the Pivot Place of the Aboriginal Region, and then further discuss how the Shinto Shrines were geographically established and distributed in the Aboriginal Region of the Taihoku Prefecture. As the result of the research, we found that basically the Shinto Shrines were established according to the One Surveillance Area-One Shrine Principle in order to control the number and prevent the drawback of randomly establishing. We also collected and understood the historical materials showing the sources of the provisions for the Surveillance Area, realizing that there were seven (7) Surveillance Areas set up in the Aboriginal Region of Taihoku Prefecture during the Japanese ruling, and about how these six Shrines and two School Shrines were established and distributed in the Surveillance Areas. The final outcomes of the research showed that, in principle, there is mostly only one Shrine established in every Surveillance Area, but three exceptions were found: no Shrine but two School Shrines in the Syou-ra Surveillance Area, secondly Tang-ou Shrine and Nan-ou Shrine in the Nan-ou Surveillance Area and the Nan-ou Shrine been the worship center for all the dwelling people under the Nan-ou Police Division of the Su-ou County, Taihoku Prefecture, thirdly no Shrine in the Kin-yang Surveillance Area. We also further realized the unique characters of the firstly-established Tang-ou Shrine by surveying the historical materials.


