  • 學位論文


Critique on the Future Development of Sex Trade Regulation in Taiwan: Seeking Guidance from Regulatory Development in Canada

指導教授 : 林超駿


在台灣,性交易專區在無任何地方政府願意設置之情形下,性工作者與嫖客皆無法合法地從事性交易,此情況不但使弱勢的性工作者依舊貧困,也無法兼顧嫖客的性需求, 因此有借鑑其他國家性交易管制之經驗,來探究我國未來性交易管制方向之必要。本文希望能參酌加拿大的性交易管制經驗,特別是處罰性工作者會造成性工作者人身安全受到威脅之研究,來對我國性交易管制制度給予建議。 本文第一章先提出以性交易專區來管制性交易行為之可能性,然其在台灣在實然面上有難以運作之困境,因此現行制度必須要尋找一個可以運用並且能保護弱勢性工作者的出路。第二章藉由先回顧我國性交易管制之沿革,我們可以瞭解到台灣在歷史上對於性交易管制之發展以及管制經驗,然後再回到我國現行管制性交易之制度為何以及討論現行制度有何缺失。第三章整理分析各國對於性交易之現行管制方式為何,並分析各國的性交易管制方式的優缺點。第四章則是先對於加拿大性交易管制的沿革做簡略的回顧,再討論現行加拿大性交易管制所帶來之經驗以及必須要檢討之處。第五章是結論,在研究我國管制方式與各國管制方式之後,對於我國未來性交易管制方向給予法律以及政策修正之建議。 未來性交易管制方向應朝向三到五人的小型性交易工作室之模式,透過登記申請來控管,政府並應該給予優惠補助以及建立匿名的健康檢查制度。透過完善制度讓之前被法律以及社會排擠的性工作者,能夠合法且安全地從事性工作,以避免已經弱勢的性工作者更加弱勢。


In Taiwan, sex workers and their customers cannot engage in legal sex trade on condition that sex trade zones are not allowed to be established by local governments. Such condition has not only kept the economically vulnerable sex workers poor but also disregarded their customer’s reasonable sexual needs. Therefore, it is necessary for Taiwanese government to refine the existing sex trade control laws by consulting related foreign bills and experiences in implementation. This thesis hopes to give suggestions for the existing Taiwanese sex trade control laws by mainly consulting Canadian experience, specifically the research on sex worker’s personal safety which was threatened by legal sanctions. The first chapter of this thesis describes the infeasibility of establishing sex trade zones in Taiwan, and the necessity to reform the existing sex trade control laws in order to protect the economically vulnerable sex workers. The second chapter reviews the historical sex trade control laws in Taiwan, from those of the Qing Dynasty, those of the Japanese colonial period, to those of the Republic of China. By means of this, it is possible for readers to understand the development and experience of sex trade controlled in Taiwan. Next, the existing sex trade control laws are discussed and their demerits are pointed out. The third chapter compares the existing sex trade control laws of the Netherlands, the United States, Sweden as well as Japan, and then analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. The fourth chapter briefly reviews the development of the Canadian sex trade control laws, and discusses the existing ones’ experience in implementation and demerits. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, which gives suggestion for refining the Taiwanese sex trade control laws and formulating coordinated policies, after investigating Taiwanese and other countries’ related laws. In the future, sex trade in Taiwan should be carried on in small trading rooms, each composed of three to five workers; furthermore, the customers should be monitored by an application and registration system. The government should also subsidize sex workers to have anonymous physical checkup. Only a comprehensive system could enable previous socially discriminated and legally excluded sex workers to engage in sex work legally and safely. For those economically vulnerable sex workers, such system meant they would not be debilitated anymore.




