  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Parentification Experiences for Adolescents Who Are Served by the Social Services System

指導教授 : 張紉


「親職化」(parentification)是指在家庭互動模式中,兒童或青少年被指定負擔原先應由父母所應該提供的角色與責任。由於我國社會贊許子女協助父母分擔家務,往往忽略子女提早或過度地承擔父母親職責和角色,這種親職化現象可能對兒童或青少年造成負面影響。這個議題在國內僅有少數實證研究,在社會工作領域中,無論學術或實務界也尚未關注這個現象。因此,本研究採取質性研究取向,以半結構式的深入訪談法來蒐集資料,共有效訪問五名有親職化經驗的青少年。目的在於透過當事者角度,描述和詮釋他們自身的親職化經驗,以瞭解他們的親職化歷程、需求和資源使用狀況、此經驗形成的影響,以及他們如何看待如此的經驗。 本研究以「主題分析法」作為資料整理和分析的方法,歸納出七個共同主題: 一、家人缺席不在,或在而功能不彰:因為父母一方缺席、忙於工作、本身不當行為或是手足身心特殊狀況等情境,造成親職化現象的產生。 二、血濃於水,捨我其誰:孩子基於體恤父母或對家人責任感,因而去承擔父母親的許多責任,且體認到自己是維繫家庭運作角色的重要性。 三、期得關懷陪伴,或求物質協助:有孩子渴望獲得物質層面的支持,也有些孩子表示渴望獲得精神上的陪伴關懷勝於物質上的協助。 四、學習體驗多,有助未來用:孩子在思想上較同儕早熟,且分別在不同方面表現突出,並認為對未來成家立業會有所助益。 五、資源來四方,身心得紓壓:孩子分別獲得外界不同類型的資源協助,且孩子本身也自有一套紓壓方式。 六、重責難以擔,逾身心負荷:孩子在時間分配利用上會受到影響,此外,孩子也有難以勝任的感覺、產生不想再承擔的念頭,以及產生不同程度的身心症狀。 七、避重蹈覆轍,或適齡方承擔:多數孩子認為不要讓下一代重複經驗自己所承受過的經驗,也有少數孩子認為應該讓下一代在國中以後才能承擔工具性任務。 根據研究結果,本研究共提出五項討論: 一、「年齡」、「任務內容」和「工作量」三要素,可協助判別是否形成親職化行為。 二、親職化現象實為一連續性概念,可運用五個指標辨識親職化程度的高低。 三、當家庭需要產生親職化子女去承擔責任,長子女通常是首要考量人選。 四、與情感性任務相較下,工具性任務是孩子較為認可且較能勝任的範圍。 五、呼籲社福體系敏感和正視親職化現象的存在,並可從家庭功能作為著力之處。 最後,根據研究結果和討論,本研究對於社會工作領域的「政策面」、「學術面」、「實務面」及「教育面」提供建議,期能給予親職化孩子更多的關注和服務,並對於未來研究提供可行方向。


親職化 父母化 小大人 青少年


Parentification means that in the family interactive mode, the children or the youth are assigned the parental roles and bear the responsibility that the parents should take. We may not aware the problem that children play parental role in an inappropriate age and take responsibility excessively because the society encourages the children to share the housework to assist their parents. The phenomenon of parentification may cause the negative influence on the children or the youth. There are only a few empirical studies regarding this issue. Social work doesn’t pay close attention to such issue either in academic or practice field. The study adapted qualitative research method to collect the information through the semi-structured in-depth interview and effectively interviewed five youths who have had parentification experiences. The main purpose of the study is to understand the course of parentification, needs, resource used, the influence of the experience, coping strategies that the youths have been through. Also, their discourses were presented through the point of views of the persons involved and the experiences they describe and explain. The present study used thematic analysis to integrate and analyze the information and to conclude with seven mutual subjects: 1.The family member(s) is (are) absent or present but lacks function:The phenomenon of parentification is generated due to the special situations occurred, such as the absence of one of the parents, busy in working, improper behaviors or the disability of siblings. 2.The thought of “Who can take it but me?”:The children who take the parental roles were sympathetic to their parents or other family members. In addition, they perceived themselves as the important role of maintaining the operation of their family. 3.They expect to be accompanied or to get concrete services:Some children long for concrete services only, others long for the companion and care more than the material assistance. 4.There were many learning experiences being helpful to the future:The children’s thoughts were more mature than those of their peers. They performed outstandingly in different aspects of life and they thought the experiences were helpful for marriage and career in the future. 5.The resources come from everywhere and their stress were relieved:The children get different kinds of resources from the outside world respectively. They also developed coping methods to relieve from the pressure. 6.The burden was too heavy to bear and beyond their loading either in physical or in psychological status: The children were influenced on their time distribution and usage. Besides, the children felt that it had being too difficult for them to bear the responsibility, it brought out the idea of giving up the burden, and it had produced different symptoms of body and mind. 7.Away from recommit into the same situation or take the responsibilities in an appropriate age:Most children thought not to let their next generation to repeat the disastrous experiences again. A few children suggest that the children could take the responsibility of bearing the instrumental assignments when they are in junior high schools. The present study presents five discussions according to the results of the research: 1.The three elements including age, the content of assignment and work loading can be used to judge whether it is a parentification behavior or not. 2.The parentification can be treated as a continuum spectrum of phenomenon. The study suggests that the degree of parentification can be distinguished with five indexes. 3.When the family needs someone to take the parental responsibility, the oldest child is always the target person be considered. 4.Compared with emotional assignments, the instrumental assignments are more suitable to the range of children’s competences. 5.The study advocates that the social welfare systems should be sensitive to the phenomenon of parentification and put efforts toward the family function. In the end, the study proposes suggestions to the policy, academic, empirical and educational aspects of social work. Hopefully it could provide more concern and awareness to the parentificationized children and present the possible direction for future studies.


Parentification Adolescent


吳嘉瑜(2005,a)。倒轉的親子位置-「親職化」兒童之相關文獻探討。輔導季刊, 41(1),p.21-28
吳嘉瑜(2005,b)。「小大人」長大了--當親職化兒童成為治療者。輔導季刊, 41(4), p.29-36。
張進上、郭志通(2005)。客體關係治療在父母化個案之應用。輔導季刊, 41(1), p.29-37。


