  • 學位論文


The Development of Family Temple(Jia-Miao) System in the Southern Song China

指導教授 : 蔣義斌


北宋仁宗(1010-1063)時,企圖重新恢復曾盛行於唐代的家廟制度,只成立一間文彥博家廟,以結果而言,不算成功。直到將近六十五年後的政和三年(1113),徽宗(1082-1135)與群臣針對家廟制有所因革後,才使整個制度體系有一套可行的辦法。 宋室南遷後,家廟制得到空前的發展,雖然成立家廟的數量不多,只有少數對國家有卓越貢獻的「重臣」得以擁有。即便如此,家廟制在南宋,卻相對穩定的持續運作,幾乎所有皇帝的任內,皆有重臣成立家廟。 南宋的家廟制也發展出三種不同的成立方式,除了皇帝特賜重臣外,也有自行申請家廟的案例,最特別的是,當重臣的家屬認為其先人對國家具有重要貢獻時,亦可由後代上奏章給皇帝,交付審核,當審核通過後,即可幫助先人成立家廟,得到國家的認可與祭祀。 除了重臣家廟外,南宋更創造了前所未見的「皇后家廟」,與標榜卓越貢獻的重臣家廟不同,皇后家廟的主要功能卻是對皇后家的宗族進行推恩。讓皇后的家人除了在冊立外,擁有另一項推恩的途徑。 本文以家廟制度在南宋的發展為主軸,探討其制度的運作、調整與整體的時代意義等課題。


家廟制度 南宋 重臣 南宋政治 政治制度


In North Song Dynasty(北宋), Song Ren-Zong(1010-1063)(宋仁宗) attempted to reinstate. The Family Temple(Jia-Miao) System (家廟制度) which prevailed in Tang Dynasty (唐代). But just Wen Yan-Bo(文彥博) Family Temple was set up at that time. Strictly speaking, to reinstate the system had no success. Sixty-five years later, in Zheng-He(政和)third year(1113), Song Hui-Tsung(宋徽宗)( 1082-1135) and his ministers replaced the old with the new, and their movement made The Family Temple System have a feasible way. The Family Temple System was an unprecedented development in South Song Dynasty(南宋). A few “Important Ministers”(重臣) , who have outstanding contribution to the Country , could have their own Family Temple(Jia-Miao). Despite of that situation, the system sustained stably in South Song Dynasty. Roughly speaking, Family Temples(Jia-Miao) of Important Ministers were founded during each emperor’s term of office. The Family Temple System also developed three different ways of foundation in South Song Dynasty. First, the emperor gives Family Temples to Important Ministers particularly. Second, Ministers apply for Family Temples on their own. Third, descendants of ministers apply for Family Temples. The third way is special. One minister’s descendants believe their ancestor have important contribution to the Country, they can apply to the Emperor for Family Temple of the minister. They can help their ancestors to found The Family Temple as if the application had been allowed. Except the Minister’s Family Temple, unprecedented “The Queen Family Temple”(皇后家廟) was founded in South Song Dynasty. Helping the Queen’s family to promote was the main function of The Queen's Family Temple. In this study, the development of Family Temple(Jia-Miao) System in South Song Dynasty is the main point. I try to inquire into the operation、adjustment and the meaning of the time about the system in South Song Dynasty.


朱 溢,〈唐至北宋時期太廟中私家因素的成長〉,收入《臺大歷史學報》,臺北:

