  • 學位論文

酒後駕車者之問題行為症候群研究 — 以臺北市為例

An Empirical Research on the Problem Behavior Syndrome of Drunk Drivers — The Taipei City Case

指導教授 : 許春金


近年來,我國酒後駕車問題日趨惡化,即便政府不斷增加酒醉駕車者所付出的各種機會成本,而警察機關每年取締酒醉駕車的案件數,並未如預期有明顯的下降趨勢。 本研究旨在以一般化犯罪理論來探討酒後駕車及問題行為之影響因素,主要目的有二:(一)探討酒後駕車者之人口特徵、問題行為之類別及分佈狀況。(二)探討酒後駕車及問題行為之影響因素及與自我控制之關係。 本研究對於樣本之選取僅以立意抽樣之方式實施,區分為一般組與酒駕組來進行比較分析,計選取樣本521 人進行自陳問卷調查研究,以了解酒駕及問題行為之影響因素。資料回收後透過次數分配、因素分析、卡方檢定、t 檢定、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析及二元邏輯思迴歸分析等方法進行分析。 由研究結果發現,問題行為及酒駕行為產生的相關因素來自於個人基本特性、社會控制、自我控制、生活壓力及機會等變項,上述變項對於問題行為及酒駕行為具有顯著的影響與預測力,且均能提升整個模式的解釋力。 Gottfredson 及Hirschi 所指犯罪事件的發生需有低自我控制者與犯罪機會兩者配合之說法,在問題行為及酒駕行為中均獲得支持。研究結果亦即證明機會因素更能強化及促使問題行為及酒駕行為的發生。 根據研究結果,本研究之主要建議有四項:(一)家庭與學校是影響個體自我控制力最具決定性作用的兩個社會化單位,如何營造出一個良好的家庭及學校環境,以形塑個體在社會化的過程中發展出良好的自我控制能力,將是關鍵的因素。(二)藉由減少或干預「犯罪機會」,以有效降低酒駕案件,並參酌外國立法例,頒訂「服務人員干預計劃」(server intervention program),課予供應酒類人員責任,以減少酒駕案件。(三)機會變項中之遊樂型休閒型態因素對於問題行為及酒駕行為的發生均有顯著正相關,並有相當的影響與預測力。因此有必要將個人享樂的需求轉向為從事對身心有益的休閒活動,並利用從事正當休閒娛樂活動的機會,學習到更多生活準則、價值判斷與遵守社會規範,幫助個人再社會化,達到寓教於樂的目的。(四)加強宣導酒後駕車之法律責任,強調知法、守法的法律素養,讓行為人充份了解酒駕行為的嚴重後果與相關法律責任,籲請行為人須三思而後行,以有效防杜酒駕案件發生。


In recent years, the problem of driving after drinking in our country tends to become worse day by day. Even our government continues to increase various opportunity costs paid by drunk drivers, yet the number of cases of banning drunken driving by the police authority every year does not have significant declining trend as expected. The purpose of this research is based on “A General Theory of Crime” to explore the effect factors of driving after drinking and problem behavior. There are two main purposes:(1)To explore the population characteristics of drunk drivers, category of problem behavior and distribution condition.(2)To explore the effect factors of driving after drinking and problem behavior and the relationship of self-control. For sample selection in this research, purposive selection was adopted only and samples were distinguished as general group and drunken driving group to conduct comparative analysis. Five hundred twenty one persons(521)were selected as samples to conduct self description questionnaire survey research so as to understand the effect factors of drunken driving and problem behavior. After the information was recovered, analysis was conducted through frequency distribution, factor analysis, chi-square test, t test, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression analysis and logistic regression etc. From the research result, it can be found that the correlative factors generated from the problem behavior and drunken driving behavior come from variables including personal basic characteristics, social-control, self-control, livelihood pressure and opportunity etc. The above variables have significant effect and forecast on problem behavior and drunken driving behavior and can all enhance the explanation of the entire model. The way of saying by Gottfredson and Hirschi that the occurrence of crime incident needs to have the cooperation of the two including low self-control person and crime commitment opportunity can all win support on the problem behavior and drunken driving behavior. The research result also proves that the opportunity factor can strengthen and urge the occurrence of problem behavior and drunken driving behavior. According to the research result, there are four suggestions in this research : (1)Family and school are the two socialized units that have the most decisive affect on the individual self-control strength. How to build up a good family and school environment so as to shape the individual to develop good self-control ability in the course of socialization will be the key factor.(2)Reduce or intervene「crime commitment opportunity」so as to effectively reduce the drunken driving case and formulate the(server intervention program)with reference to laws stipulated by overseas countries and grant liquor supply person with responsibility so as to reduce the drunken driving case.(3)The entertainment leisure factor in the opportunity variables have significant positive correlation to the problem behavior and occurrence of drunken driving and have considerable effect and forecast capability. Therefore, it is necessary to change the personal enjoyment requirement to leisure activity that is beneficial to the mind and body. Also, by making use of the opportunity of proper leisure and entertainment, one can learn more living standard, value judgment and social standard abidance, help individual re-socialization and can achieve the purpose of using teaching in entertainment.(4)Enhance the publicity on the legal responsibility of driving after drinking and emphasize on the legal accomplishment of knowing about the law and abide by the law and enable the behavioral person to understand the serious consequence of drunken driving and relevant legal responsibility. Beseech the behavioral person that it is necessary to think thrice before acting so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of drunken driving case.


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