  • 學位論文


The study of Street-level bureaucrats’ discretional behavior in policy implementation

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


政策執行的情形會影響政策結果,而裁量行為會影響到政策執行,美國學者Michael Lipsky對第一線官僚人員或稱為基層官僚(Street-Level Bureaucrats)所下的定義為「在工作過程中直接和民眾互動的公共服務人員且在執行他們的工作時有大量的裁量權」,因此,基層官僚的常常左右政策執行的結果,本研究以基層員警執行交通違規舉發為例,想瞭解基層官僚在政策執行時的裁量行為會受何種因素影響以及驗證Lipsky所論述的基層官僚行為模式。 全文分為五章,第一章說明研究動機、目的、範圍及相關概念界定;第二章為理論探討,且針對有關基層官僚和警察的裁量行為做文獻回顧;第三章為根據文獻回顧與理論基礎建立本研究的架構而提出四個命題與確定所要使用的研究方法;第四章將透過對基層員警深度訪談所得的結果做分析與歸納,找出影響基層員警裁量行為的原因;第五章為研究發現,以及對理論的反省,最後提出建議與結論。 本研究發現,基層員警在政策執行時的裁量行為會受其主觀規範、行為傾向、和違規者的互動、機關政策、機關首長的態度、大眾傳播媒體、社會環境因素影響,其中,又以和違規者互動以及績效壓力影響最深。又發現基層員警在執行交通違規舉發時,會有抹上奶油的行為導致目標錯置、也無法避免選擇性執法、面對不同民眾易產生工作者偏見、也會有工作概念修正與顧客概念修正行為,但是修正顧客需求的行為則不明顯,因此,本研究認為基層員警的特性大致符合Lipsky所論述的基層官僚特性。 最後,針對上述研究發現,認為基層員警行使裁量權時,應發揮公平合理的裁罰標準與程序,重視教育避免績效導向造成目標錯置,警察裁量權是一種決策過程,必須先去發現、瞭解事實,進而找出適用的法律並做抉擇,這樣的決策過程就會受許多因素的影響,造成執行結果不盡相同,因此,基層官僚的裁量權的判斷對民眾的影響至深,如何妥善的加以運用是很重要的。


The way of policy implementation affects the result of policy and the discretional behavior affect the policy implementation. America scholar Michael Lipsky defined Street-level bureaucrats as “public service workers who interact directly with citizens in the course of their jobs, and who have substantial discretion in the execution of their work.” So, Street-level bureaucrats play an important role in policy implementation. This study takes Street-level polices for example and wants to know what factors can affect the discretion of Street-level polices in writing traffic tickets, the intention also want to know whether the behavior of Street-level bureaucrats in Taiwan are like the behavior of Street-level bureaucrats in America. The content was divided into five chapters. In first chapter, I account of research motion, intention, scope and conceptual definitions. In second chapter, I describe related theory and review related literatures. In third chapter, according to related theory and literature review to establish the study framework and I use qualitative method. In forth chapter, I discuss what I found from Street-level polices and to find what factors affect discretion. The fifth chapter is conclusion. This study discover that the discretion of Street-level polices affected by Subjective norm, Behavior Intention, interact with the illegal person, organizational policy, chief attitude, mass media, social environment. Interact with the illegal person and performances are the important factors among them to affect discretion. In another way, the study found when Street-level polices write traffic tickets, sometimes they have creaming, goal displacement, selective law enforcement, worker bias, modifications of conceptions of work and modifications of conceptions of clients, Thus, this study found that characteristic of Street-level polices answer to Lipsky’s literatures. Finally, I conclude the research and make some suggestions. I think when Street-level polices use their discretion, they should use a fair procedure in punish, emphasis on education. The discretion of Street-level polices is a process of decision making, they must find fact, then find the suitable law and makes the correct choice. This process of decision making will affect by many factors, the results are also different. Thus, the discretion of Street-level bureaucrats’ influence peoples deeply, how to use correctly is very important.


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陳意青(2013)。基層行政人員行政裁量權運用之分析-以雲林縣低收入戶 、中低收入戶社會救助政策執行為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613540955
