  • 學位論文


Research on Interactive Device of Intervention of Technology Art into Living Space

指導教授 : 林宏銘


近年來,隨著科技產業的發達,以及相關藝術知識和資訊的引進與交流,也漸漸影響到藝術家們朝向科技藝術的創作與媒材的運用。許多科技的作品因為能創作視覺的新奇感、互動性、教育功能以及美化環境等特質,因此將科技藝術運用到環境空間中,便可以達到一股沛然莫之的潮流。尤其可利用科技的「時間性」、「動力性」、「媒體性」、「互動性」的特質來傳達即時的資訊,達到一種數位科技、環境藝術與人的和諧關係。 針對互動裝置介面設計與藝術介入空間的探討,涵蓋幾個不同層面,其中最重要的部分在於人該如何與互動裝置做更自然的溝通,尤其是將互動式裝置納入到環境空間當中,利用即時感測的原理,讓人很輕易的在此空間中與藝術作品產生互動。本研究配合跨領域整合的技術,讓此互動性藝術能經由跨領域技術的輔助,並結合藝術創作之設計來實現。本論文進行二項創作,第一項是以光作為媒材及動力韻律為輔的感應式環境藝術互動裝置,以自然環境為主軸,探討自然生態與人之間的關係,想營造一種由自然生態環境組合而成的互動裝置。藉由此作品互動的方式來表達自然生態之美。第二項是以錄像做為即時性的互動,本互動式裝置設計概念是以影像處理的技術,使攝影機辨識人的活動,再控制環境上的情境,使其相互感應。主要探討人們面對時間壓力產生束縛、開闊、喜悅…之抽象情境變化,藉此互動的趣味與感覺。 由本論文之二項創作我們應探討科技在人與互動式環境藝術之間的感知行為,進一步從規劃、設計、探討等立場著手,創造一個更趣味、實用、便利大眾使用的感知環境。


Recently, along with the development of technology industry and introduction and exchange of knowledge and information related to art, artists are affected and start to create technology art and utilize media. Because it brings virtual sense of wonder and interaction and has education function and is able to beautify the environment, many technology works apply technology art to environmental space and gradually becomes a trend. Utilizing temporal, dynamic, media and interactive characteristic of technology to convey real time information can achieve a harmonic relationship of digital technology and environmental space. The exploration of designing interface of interactive device and intervention of arts into space consists of several aspects. The most important part is how people communicate with interactive device more naturally. Especially, while utilizing interactive device to environmental space, it is easier to interact with art works in this space according to principle of real time detection. This research applies technology of interdisciplinary integration. This gives this interactive art auxiliary of interdisciplinary technology. We also implement by combining art design. There are two designs in this research. The first one is inductional environment art interactive device which rely mainly on light as media while kinetic rhythms subsidiary. It relies mainly on natural environment to explore relationship between ecological environment and human and to create a interactive device composed of natural ecological environment. Through the interaction types of this design, the beauty of natural ecological environment is able to be expressed. The second one is to perform real-time interaction via video. The conception of designing this interactive device is via image processing technology, cameras are able to identify human activities. Also, we control environment situation so that they can mutually detect. We explore change of people's constraint, open and joyous feeling under abstract situation while facing time stress and create delight and sense of interaction. Via the two designs in this research, we explore perceived behavior towards technology between people and interactive environment art, and further, to explore from planning and designing respects. Finally, to create a more interesting, applicable and convenient perceived environment for the mass use.


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