  • 學位論文


Explore the Degree of Internationalization and Diversification Strategy on the Operational Performance of Domestic Commercial Banks

指導教授 : 張麗娟
共同指導教授 : 張淑貞


台灣金融發展過程歷經政府多重限制的封閉體系到現在的自由開放,在這樣的環境下,國內銀行為了要拓展版圖,國際化因此成了銀行業經營成長中重要的一環;同時多角化策略也是近年銀行紛紛採用的手段,由此可見國際化程度和多角化程度是影響經營績效重要的指標。本文收集2003到2008年台灣商業銀行的混合資料共 186 筆,透過二階段最小平方估計法來探討國際化程度與多角化策略對銀行經營績效之影響。研究的結果發現:銀行國際化的程度對經營績效之關係並不顯著,其中海外銷售額占總銷售額之比為對經營績效是負向關係,而多角化策略對經營績效之關係亦為負向關係;銀行國際化程度對於銀行的資本適足率有顯著關係,而資本適足率對經營績效亦有顯著正相關;另外銀行的規模對經營績效也有顯著影響,表示規模是影響銀行經營績效之一項重要的因素。


國際化 多角化 績效 銀行業 資本適足率


Unlike today, Taiwan’s financial sector used to be closed and laden with restrictions. Therefore, in order to expand, it is essential for Taiwanese banks to go global. Faced with fierce competition, banks are beginning to adopt diversification strategies in an effort to boost their competitiveness. This study analyzes relevant literature, including panel data of Taiwanese commercial banks during the period between 2003 and 2008, by means of 2SLS to explore the impact that internationalization and diversification has on banks’ performance. The findings reveal that internationalization does not have a significant impact on banks’ performance; indeed, internationalization even has a negative impact on the ratio of overseas sales to total sales. Diversification also has a negative impact on banks’ performance. The degree of internationalization is noticeably related to BIS on the banks, and the BIS also has significantly positive correlation to the performance, while a bank’s size has a significant impact on its performance. This indicates that size is an important factor in banks’ performance.


internationalization diversification performance bank BIS


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江麗君(2012)。台灣銀行業外派人員文化智商、跨文化訓練對外派績效之影響 - 以知覺組織支持為干擾變項〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00068
