  • 學位論文


Examining the Effects of Personality Traits, Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention of Employees in the Construction Industry

指導教授 : 梁直青


摘 要   營建業之人力資源乃是組織最重要的一環,但我國營建業離職率一直居高不下。根據我國主計處調查,營建業之自動離職率每年平均高達86.3%,在人力不足又存在著高離職率下,對組織而言有負面之影響,不只是人力資源成本的浪費,還會影響工作績效。本研究探討不同的人格特質所能承受的工作壓力,讓組織更能適當分配其職位,進而提升工作滿意度,維持低離職率,給組織帶來更大的效益。據此,本研究設計一問卷,並利用問卷法對營建業從業人員進行調查。經過信效度檢定,本問卷適合進行後續正式測驗,以便完成後續本研究欲探究之營造業高離職率成因與解決方式之目的。 本研究針對雲林地區及台北地區之營建業從業人員作問卷分析,回收問卷為有效問卷383份。主要運用敘述性分析、因素分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析來作統計分析驗證。其驗證結果如下: 1. 在不同的個人屬性下,性別對各構面是不顯著的,表示不影響。而在婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、工作性質、工作年資、年收入對個人特質、工作壓力、工作滿意度、離職傾向都有顯著之影響。 2. 人格特質與工作壓力有顯著相關性,不同的人格特質對所承受的工作壓力高低是有影響的。 3. 工作壓力、工作滿意度及離職傾向之間有顯著相關性,所承受的工作壓力大小會影響工作的滿意程度,愈滿意者離職傾向愈低,愈不滿意者離職傾向愈高。 以上是本研究分析結果,本研究建議營建產業可以適時的給予員工專業訓練,以提升員工專業水準,可改善提升工程外業人員的休憩環境,讓外業人員有適當的休息,減少工作壓力的產生。提高員工之抗壓性、提升工作滿意度,讓員工有更好的環境,降低離職率。


The most important component is human resource in the construction industry. In Taiwan, the construction industry has a high turnover rate. According to the official statistics data, the average annual turnover rate of labor in construction industry reached up to 86.3%. It is a negative impact with a lack of human and a high turnover rate for the organization. It will not only waste human resource, but also affect the performance of construction. What happened to the manpower is therefore important to discuss. With a reasonable discussion, organizations can allocate staff positions efficiently, upgrade job satisfaction, and reduce turnover rate. Therefore, this study designed a survey for discussing the different personalities of people. After the pretest test of reliability and validity, the questionnaire is valid for surveying employees of construction industry.   We used the questionnaire. The subjects were employees of construction industry from Yunlin and Taipei. 383 questionnaires were filled in and available. The data was analyzed by the statistics methods of frequency distribution, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, person correlation, and regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1. There were significant differences existed among the all variables of demographic on personality traits, job stress, job satisfaction and turnover intention except gender. 2. There were positive correlation and significant level between the factors of personal traits and job stress. 3. There were positive correlation and significant level between the factors of job stress, job satisfaction and turnover intention.


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