  • 學位論文


Rebirth in Adversity:About Positive Beliefs and Decision

指導教授 : 連雅慧


正向心理學在近年來日益蓬勃發展,社會上吹起一股「正向」的風潮,鼓勵大家以正面思考才能夠接近成功,但正向信念真有如此大的魔力?是否有些因人而異的中間變數增強或削弱了正向信念的發展?正是本研究探討的議題所在。 本研究以相對較具正向信念且具有實質決策力的企業主管與企業主為研究對象,覓求適合本研究的受訪者5人,期能透過深度訪談的互動過程了解受訪者如何以正向信念克服挫折,並探討與決策上的關係。以下為三項探索議題: 一、 探討何謂正向信念? 二、 探討正向信念對挫折事件的後續影響。 三、 探討正向信念對不同類型的挫折事件,及企業主管事業決策上的影響。   透過質性研究的深度訪談方式,並以詮釋現象學方法論來詮釋企業主管與企業主所遭遇的挫折經驗及克服的過程,進一步了解在負向經驗與正向信念的拉扯下,是否影響其決策行為。茲將資料歸類成「扭轉人生的思考術」、「逆境的能量」、「不完美的完美決策」三個經驗主題。   依據資料分析,本研究主要發現與討論如下:一、「堅持的力量」串聯全文:無論受訪者的正向信念種類為何,堅持是成功的不二法門;二、挫折經驗的存在之反思:具有堅信不移的正向信念,來自於挫折經驗所帶來的體悟:三、那些沒被說出口的感謝。受訪者之所以勇敢、正向,都因為家人及朋友背後默默的支持與鼓勵;四、多樣化與專業化能力:兩種皆是成功的推手,取決於自己如何學習與應用。


詮釋現象學 決策 挫折 正向信念


In recent years, “Positive Psychology” becomes more popular gradually. Positive belief has encouraged people thinking rose-tinted in order to reach success. However, does positive belief have such power? Are there any individual factors that increase or decline the development of positive belief? This is the main point of my study. This study employees executives and business owners who have positive belief and decisive power as objects of study. There are five interviewees fit in this study ; through processes of interaction in depth interview, I can observe how they overcome obstacles with positive belief, and discuss the connection between their decision-making. My research is divided into three parts: a. What is positive belief? b. How does positive belief impact on the frustration events occurred? c. How does positive belief impact on different kinds of frustration event and the business executives on business decisions? I collect the information through depth interview of Qualitative Research. Also, I employee hermeneutic phenomenology to explain the frustration they had encountered and the process of overcoming the frustration. Moreover, I can discover under the influences of negative experiences and positive belief, do the influences determine their strategy? Here, the information are divided into “Reverse the thinking way of life” , ”The adverse energy” and ” Imperfect-perfect strategy”. According to the analysis, here comes the main findings and conclusion: a. Insistence plays the most important role in this research: No matter what kind of positive beliefs do business executives have, the key to success is to “insist”. b. Reflections on the experienced frustration: The person who sticks to positive beliefs always comes from the understanding of frustration experiences. c. Why do the interviewees become more brave and positive? Because their family and friends always give them encouragement and support. d. Diversification and specialization capabilities: Those abilities are helpers of success, how to reach success depends on one’s learning and application.


Miles, M. B.、Huberman, A. M.(1994)。Qualitative data analysis。Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage。


