  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Designing an English Curriculum Integrates Community Resources for the Fifth Graders of Elementary School

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究旨在透過從事行動研究,探討社區資源融入國小五年級英語課程設計之過程。研究者以綠水國小(化名)五年C班(化名)二十六位國小學生為研究對象,以英語能力測驗、學生自評表、課程滿意度調查表、研究者日誌、觀察記錄、省思札記、訪談、教學錄影、學習單、回饋單等方式蒐集研究資料。 本研究結論如下: 1.透過SWOTA情境分析,歸納出「學校環境與設施欠缺與英語學習之連結」、「校內 英語教師與其他教師甚少互動」、「學生家長難以協助學生學習英語」、「社區對英語 學習助益不大」、「學生缺乏運用資源輔助英語學習之技能」等主要問題,因此有進 行社區資源融入國小英語課程設計之必要性。 2.本研究係參考九年一貫英語課程綱要、國民核心素養內涵、英語教學法,並依序進 行下列過程;確定社區資源融入課程範疇、訂定課程目標、設計教學活動內容、提 供輔助英語學習資源、檢視回饋意見並修正課程方案。 3.本英語方案實施過程分成英語教學前準備、實施多元化教學方法、持續省思與修正。 4.經評鑑本英語方案,在學生學習成效方面,發現學生在英語聽說讀暨綜合應用、英 語學習興趣與方法、文化與習俗、自主行動、溝通互動、社會參與等面向的能力均 有正面提升。經由問卷調查分析,在方案實施內容方面,顯示七成以上的學生對本 方案實施內容感到滿意。從協同研究者、學生及家長等人的回饋,發現研究者在教 學表現上具有諸多優點。 最後,提出建議供教育主管機關、學校機構、英語教師與未來研究參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of designing an English curriculum integrated community resources for the fifth graders of elementary school through an action research. The objects of the study were 26 students of class C of the fifth grade(a pseudonym)in Green Water Elementary School(a pseudonym). The research data were collected by English capacity tests, student self evaluation sheets, survey of satisfaction for curriculum, researcher’s journals, observation records, reflection notes, interviews, video records of teaching, worksheets, and feedback forms. The conclusions of this research were listed as follows, 1.By the SWOTA analysis of circumstances, there were some main problems of English teaching, such as “surroundings and facilities of school are lack of connections with English learning”, “There is less interaction between the English teachers and other teachers”, “The parents of students cannot afford to help students learn English”, “The community nearby is less beneficial to English learning”, and “The students are lack of the skill to use the resources of English learning”. Thus, it is necessary to design an elementary English curriculum integrated with community resources. 2.The action plan of English curriculum referred to the index of capability for the schema of Grade 1-9 English Curriculum Guidelines, the content of National Core Competencies, English teaching methods, and thus the following processes were proceeded in turn, the scope of community resources integrated into curriculum was defined, the curriculum goals were determined, the content of teaching activities was designed, resources to assist the learning of English were supplied, the opinions of feedback forms were inspected , and the curriculum planning was revised. 3.The teaching processes of the action plan of English curriculum were composed of preparing adequately before teaching, adopting multiple methods of teaching, and proceeding reflections and revision repeatedly. 4. By evaluating the action plan of English curriculum, in the phase of the learning effects of the students, the results showed that students had positive progress in English listening, speaking, reading, writing and general applications, the interest and ways of learning English, the culture and custom, the autonomous acting, the interactive communication, and the social participation. By the analysis of survey, in the phase of the practice content of the plan, the results showed over 70% students were satisfied with the content of the action plan of English curriculum. From the feedbacks of partners of this research, students and parents of students, in the phase of the teaching performance of the researcher, lots of merits were found. Finally, some proposals were made for education authorities, institutes of school, English teachers, and the further researches in the future.


