  • 學位論文


The Differences in Passion and Commitment of Exercise Dependent Runners

指導教授 : 陳俊民


本研究目的主要探討(一)不同距離路跑組別之運動熱情、運動承諾及運動依 賴差異。(二)不同跑步運動依賴程度組別之運動熱情、運動承諾差異。(三)運動熱情、運動承諾與運動依賴之關係。以雲嘉南鄰近地區路跑賽事之參與者為研究對象,參與人數男性239名、女性132名,共361名。以運動熱情量表、運動承諾量表及運動依賴量表為施測工具,並以單因子多變量變異數分析及典型相關分析進行考驗。研究結果顯示:一、全程馬拉松組之運動熱情、運動承諾及運動依賴高於半程馬拉松組及休閒組。二、運動依賴風險組別之運動熱情、運動承諾高於有症狀無依賴組及無症狀無依賴組。三、運動熱情及運動承諾較高者,較容易產生運動依賴症狀;強迫式熱情越高的人,想要承諾也越高。本研究發現,從事較長距離或訓練時間較長的跑步運動參與者,會比其他人保持較高的運動熱情和運動承諾,但當投入過多的熱情或給予過度的承諾時,或許會產生過度訓練情形或投入太多時間在跑步運動,相對地容易會產生運動依賴的症狀,例如無法跑步會有心情不悅,受傷時還持續訓練等狀況,當發生類似症狀時需要適當介入及輔導,避免運動依賴症狀的產生。未來研究建議可將菁英跑者與一般跑者分開討論,也許能夠更了解運動依賴對於跑步運動者的影響層面。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of exercise dependence, commitment and passion among marathon, half- marathon and 10K runners; and to see the different passion and commitment among exercise dependent groups. The relationships between exercise dependence, commitment and passion were also tested. Participants were 132 female and 239 male who completed Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised, Exercise Commitment Scale and Exercise Passion Scale after a marathon competition near Cha-Yi and Yun-Lin County. Analyses were conducted using one-way MANOVA and Canonical analysis. Results revealed that marathon runners had higher exercise dependence, passion and commitment than half-marathon and 10K runners. At risk for exercise dependence group also had higher exercise commitment and passion than not at risk for exercise dependence groups. Runners who had higher exercise commitment and passion possessed higher exercise dependence symptoms. Runners’ obsessive passion was correlated to want to commitment of exercise. Excessive exercise or over training is easy to link to exercise dependence of marathon runners who also with higher exercise commitment and passion. Consultant and assistance are needed for runners who emerged dependent symptom in their daily life. The differences of exercise dependence between elite runners and leisure runners for future research are needed.


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